Computer algebra system for field theory problems
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcadabraFunctions to handle the exchange properties of two or more symbols in a product
 NyngtabGeneric Young tableaux routines
 CArgumentExceptionException thrown when arguments to an algorithm or property are not correct
 CCadabraThe Cadabra notebook application
 CExNodeExNode is a combination of an Ex::iterator and an interface which we can use to manipulate the data pointed to by this iterator
 CInternalErrorException thrown when there the Cadabra code detects an internal inconsistency; this should never happen, but is better than bailing out with an assert
 CMultiIndexA class to help iterating over all values of multiple objects
 CNonScalarExceptionException thrown when something requires that an expression is a pure scalar (i.e
 CNotYetImplementedException thrown when there the Cadabra code detects an internal inconsistency; this should never happen, but is better than bailing out with an assert
 CPermutationExceptionGeneric permutation group material
 CpreprocessorPreprocessing class which takes infix mathematical notation with all sorts of maths shortcuts and transforms it into a string which is properly formatted in prefix notation
 CProgressMonitorObject keeping track of time spent in nested execution blocks, and keeping track of out-of-band messages produced by these blocks
 CRuntimeExceptionException thrown when an algorithm cannot complete, e.g
 CServerObject representing a Cadabra server, capable of receiving messages on a websocket, running Python code, and sending output back to the client
 CStopwatchThe Stopwach class provides a simple interace to allow timing function calls etc..