Cpreprocessor::accu_t | |
►Ccadabra::ActionBase | All actions derive from the ActionBase object, which defines the interface they need to implement |
Ccadabra::ActionAddCell | Add a cell to the notebook |
Ccadabra::ActionCompleteText | Complete text at a point in a GUI cell with one or more alternative |
Ccadabra::ActionEraseText | Remove a text string starting at the indicated position, and with the indicated length, from the indicated cell |
Ccadabra::ActionInsertText | Add a text string (can be just a single character) at the point of the cursor |
Ccadabra::ActionPositionCursor | Position the cursor relative to the indicated cell |
Ccadabra::ActionRemoveCell | Remove a cell and all its child cells from the document |
Ccadabra::ActionReplaceCell | Replace the contents of a cell |
Ccadabra::ActionSetRunStatus | Update the running status of the indicated cell |
Ccadabra::ActionSetVariableList | Update the list of referenced variables in this cell |
Ccadabra::ActionSplitCell | Split a cell into two separate cells, at the point of the cursor |
Ccadabra::Adjform | Representation of the index structure of a tensor monomial, using a storage format which resembles an adjacency matrix |
►Calgorithm | |
Crename_dummies | |
CAppDelegate() | |
Csnoop::Snoop::AppEntry | C++ representation of a run entry |
►CGtk::Application | |
CCadabra | The Cadabra notebook application |
►CGtk::ApplicationWindow | |
Ccadabra::NotebookWindow | Each notebook has one main window which controls it |
CProgressMonitor::Block | A single element of the nested group call stack |
CServer::Block | |
►CGtk::Box | |
Ccadabra::Console | |
CServer::CatchOutput | Python output catching |
Cci_equal< charT > | |
►Ccadabra::Client | |
CMyClient | |
►CGtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord | |
CGitChooseModelColumns | |
►Ccombin::combinations_base< T > | |
Ccombin::combinations< unsigned int > | |
Ccombin::combinations< unsignedint > | |
Ccombin::symm_helper< unsigned int > | |
Ccombin::symm_val_helper< unsigned int > | |
Ccombin::combinations< T > | |
Ccombin::symm_helper< T > | |
Ccombin::symm_val_helper< T > | |
Ccombin::combinations_base< unsigned int > | |
Ccombin::combinations_base< unsignedint > | |
Ccadabra::ComputeThread | Base class which talks to the server and sends Action objects back to the DocumentThread |
CServer::Connection | |
►Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::const_iterator_base | |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::const_iterator | |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_column_const_iterator | A const iterator which stays inside a given column of a tableau |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_row_const_iterator | |
Ccadabra::ConvertData | Object to store pre-parsing intermediate results |
CCycledTerm | |
Ccadabra::DataCell | DataCells are the basic building blocks for a document |
►CGtk::Dialog | |
CDiffViewer | |
CSelectFileDialog | |
Ccadabra::ChooseColoursDialog | |
►Ccadabra::DisplayBase | Base class for all display classes |
Ccadabra::DisplayMMA | Class to display expressions in a format that Mathematica can parse |
►Ccadabra::DisplaySympy | Class to display expressions in a format that Sympy can parse |
Csympy::SympyBridge | Helper class to enable conversion from/to sympy |
Ccadabra::DisplayTeX | Class to handle display of expressions using LaTeX notation |
Ccadabra::DisplayTerminal | Class to display expressions to the terminal |
►Ccadabra::DocumentThread | A base class with all the logic to manipulate a Cadabra notebook document |
Ccadabra::NotebookWindow | Each notebook has one main window which controls it |
►CDocumentThread | |
Ccadabra_osx::NotebookWindow | Objective-C++ class implementing DocumentThread and providing an OS-X notebook interface |
►CGtk::DrawingArea | |
Ccadabra::TeXView::TeXArea | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
Ccadabra::BoundPropertyBase | |
Ccadabra::Ex | Basic storage class for symbolic mathemematical expressions |
Cwebsocket_server::connection | |
►CGtk::EventBox | |
Ccadabra::ImageView | An image viewing widget |
Ccadabra::SliderView | An slider widget |
Ccadabra::TeXView | TeXView is a widget which knows how to turn a string into a LaTeX-rendered image and display that |
Ccadabra::Ex_comparator | A generic tree comparison class which will take into account index contractions and will also keep track of a replacement list for all types of cadabra wildcards |
Ccadabra::Ex_hasher | |
Ccadabra::Ex_is_equivalent | Basic comparison operator for tree iterators, so we can use them as keys in maps |
Ccadabra::Ex_is_less | |
►Cstd::exception | |
CExitRequest | |
Ccadabra::exchange | |
Ccadabra::str_node::flag_t | |
Csnoop::Flush | |
►CGtk::Frame | |
CCellDiff | |
►Ccadabra::GUIBase | Abstract base class with methods that need to be implemented by any GUI |
Ccadabra::NotebookWindow | Each notebook has one main window which controls it |
►CGUIBase | |
Ccadabra_osx::NotebookWindow | Objective-C++ class implementing DocumentThread and providing an OS-X notebook interface |
Ccadabra::DataCell::id_t | Each cell is identified by a serial number 'id' which is used to keep track of it across network calls, and a bool indicating whether the client or the server has created this cell |
CIdent | |
Ccadabra::exchange::identical_tensors_t | |
CImages | |
►Ccadabra::IndexClassifier | |
CExNode | ExNode is a combination of an Ex::iterator and an interface which we can use to manipulate the data pointed to by this iterator |
►Ccadabra::Algorithm | Base class for all algorithms, containing generic routines and in particular the logic for index classification |
Ccadabra::canonicalise | Canonicalise the index structure of a tensorial expression |
Ccadabra::collect_components | Collect \components terms inside a sum, merging their substitution rules |
Ccadabra::collect_factors | Collect symbolically equal factors in a product |
Ccadabra::collect_terms | Collect symbolically equal terms in a sum |
Ccadabra::combine | |
Ccadabra::complete | Complete a set of coordinate rules so that they also cover related tensors |
Ccadabra::component | |
Ccadabra::decompose | |
Ccadabra::decompose_product | Decompose a product of tensors by applying Young projectors |
Ccadabra::distribute | Distribute factors over a sum, that is, \( (A+B) C \rightarrow A C + B C \) |
►Ccadabra::drop_keep_weight | |
Ccadabra::drop_weight | |
Ccadabra::keep_weight | |
Ccadabra::einsteinify | |
►Ccadabra::eliminate_converter | |
Ccadabra::eliminate_metric | |
Ccadabra::eliminate_vielbein | |
Ccadabra::eliminate_kronecker | |
Ccadabra::epsilon_to_delta | |
Ccadabra::evaluate | |
Ccadabra::expand | |
Ccadabra::expand_delta | |
Ccadabra::expand_diracbar | |
Ccadabra::expand_dummies | |
Ccadabra::expand_power | |
Ccadabra::explicit_indices | |
Ccadabra::factor_in | |
Ccadabra::factor_out | |
Ccadabra::fierz | |
Ccadabra::flatten_product | |
Ccadabra::flatten_sum | |
Ccadabra::indexsort | |
Ccadabra::integrate_by_parts | Integrate by parts away from the indicated derivative object |
Ccadabra::join_gamma | |
Ccadabra::keep_terms | |
Ccadabra::lower_free_indices | |
Ccadabra::map_mma | Functionality to act with Mathematica on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place |
Ccadabra::map_sympy | Functionality to act with Sympy on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place |
Ccadabra::meld | |
Ccadabra::nevaluate | |
Ccadabra::order | |
Ccadabra::product_rule | |
Ccadabra::reduce_delta | |
Ccadabra::rename_dummies | |
Ccadabra::replace_match | |
Ccadabra::rewrite_indices | |
Ccadabra::simplify | General purpose brute force scalar simplification algorithm |
Ccadabra::sort_product | |
Ccadabra::sort_spinors | |
Ccadabra::sort_sum | |
Ccadabra::split | Split an expression into terms or factors |
Ccadabra::split_gamma | |
Ccadabra::split_index | |
Ccadabra::substitute | Generic substitution algorithm |
Ccadabra::sym | |
►Ccadabra::tab_basics | |
Ccadabra::lr_tensor | |
Ccadabra::tabdimension | |
Ccadabra::take_match | |
Ccadabra::untrace | |
Ccadabra::unwrap | |
Ccadabra::unzoom | |
Ccadabra::vary | Generic variational derivative algorithm |
Ccadabra::young_project | |
Ccadabra::young_project_product | |
Ccadabra::young_project_tensor | |
Ccadabra::zoom | |
Ccadabra::IndexMap | To ensure consistency when creating adjforms out of two different Ex objects an IndexMap object is required which keeps track of which numeric index represents which index name |
Ccadabra::iter_indices | |
Ccadabra::iter_indices::iterator | |
Ccadabra::split_it::iterator | |
►CEx::iterator_base | |
Ccadabra::index_iterator | An iterator which iterates over indices even if they are at lower levels, i.e |
►Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator_base | |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_column_iterator | An iterator which stays inside a given column of a tableau |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_row_iterator | An iterator which stays inside a given row of a tableau |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator | An iterator over all boxes of a tableau, left to right, top to bottom |
Ccadabra::Kernel | |
Ccadabra::keyval_t | Arguments to properties get parsed into a keyval_t structure |
CLaTeXString | |
Ccadabra::indexsort::less_indexed_treenode | |
Csnoop::Snoop::LogEntry | C++ representation of a log entry |
►Cstd::logic_error | |
►CCadabraException | |
CArgumentException | Exception thrown when arguments to an algorithm or property are not correct |
►CConsistencyException | |
Ccadabra::WeightInherit::WeightException | |
CInternalError | Exception thrown when there the Cadabra code detects an internal inconsistency; this should never happen, but is better than bailing out with an assert |
CInterruptionException | |
CNonScalarException | Exception thrown when something requires that an expression is a pure scalar (i.e |
CNotYetImplemented | Exception thrown when there the Cadabra code detects an internal inconsistency; this should never happen, but is better than bailing out with an assert |
CParseException | |
CRuntimeException | Exception thrown when an algorithm cannot complete, e.g |
CPermutationException | Generic permutation group material |
Ccadabra::TeXEngine::TeXException | |
Csnoop::Snoop::ParseError | Exception used to flag invalid/unparseable data received on the wire |
CLRUcache< Key, Value, Compare > | |
CLRUcache< std::weak_ptr< cadabra::Ex >, std::pair< std::map< iterator, bool >, std::map< iterator, bool > >, std::owner_less< std::weak_ptr< cadabra::Ex > > > | |
CMMA | |
CMultiIndex< T > | A class to help iterating over all values of multiple objects |
Ccadabra::NEvaluator | Functionality to numerically evaluate a scalar expression, give the values of its building blocks |
CNotebookController() | |
►C<NSApplicationDelegate> | |
CAppDelegate | |
Ccadabra::nset_it_less | Compare two nset iterators by comparing the strings to which they point |
►CNSObject | |
CAppDelegate | |
►CNSViewController | |
CNotebookController | |
Ccadabra::NTensor | |
►CGtk::Paned | |
Ccadabra::NotebookCanvas | |
Ccadabra::Parser | Class which turns the string output of a preprocessor object and turns it into an Ex expression tree |
Ccadabra::pattern | |
Csnoop::Snoop::PayLoad | C++ representation of a payload entry |
CPerm | |
Ccadabra::DocumentThread::Prefs | |
Cpreprocessor | Preprocessing class which takes infix mathematical notation with all sorts of maths shortcuts and transforms it into a string which is properly formatted in prefix notation |
CProgressMonitor | Object keeping track of time spent in nested execution blocks, and keeping track of out-of-band messages produced by these blocks |
Ccadabra::ProjectedAdjform | Representation of a sum of tensor monomials, each having the same tensor names, but with different index positions |
Ccadabra::meld::ProjectedTerm | |
Ccadabra::Properties | Class holding a collection of properties attached to expressions |
►Ccadabra::property | Base class for all properties, handling argument parsing and defining the interface |
►Ccadabra::Inherit< SortOrder > | |
►Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::ExteriorDerivative | |
Ccadabra::PartialDerivative | |
►Ccadabra::Inherit< SelfCommutingBehaviour > | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
►Ccadabra::Inherit< Spinor > | |
Ccadabra::PartialDerivative | |
►Ccadabra::Accent | |
Ccadabra::DiracBar | |
►Ccadabra::AntiSymmetric | |
Ccadabra::EpsilonTensor | |
Ccadabra::GammaMatrix | |
►Ccadabra::CommutingAsProduct | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::CommutingAsSum | |
Ccadabra::Coordinate | |
Ccadabra::DAntiSymmetric | |
Ccadabra::Depends | |
►Ccadabra::DependsBase | |
Ccadabra::Depends | |
►Ccadabra::DependsInherit | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::DependsInherit | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::DerivativeOp | |
Ccadabra::Determinant | |
►Ccadabra::DifferentialFormBase | |
Ccadabra::DifferentialForm | |
Ccadabra::ExteriorDerivative | |
Ccadabra::DiracBar | |
►Ccadabra::Distributable | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::DiracBar | |
Ccadabra::Trace | |
Ccadabra::EpsilonTensor | |
Ccadabra::FilledTableau | |
Ccadabra::GammaMatrix | |
Ccadabra::GammaTraceless | |
Ccadabra::ImaginaryI | |
►Ccadabra::ImplicitIndex | |
Ccadabra::FilledTableau | |
►Ccadabra::Matrix | |
Ccadabra::GammaMatrix | |
Ccadabra::Spinor | |
Ccadabra::Tableau | Property representing a Young tableau with unlabelled boxes |
►Ccadabra::IndexInherit | |
Ccadabra::Accent | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::DifferentialForm | |
Ccadabra::Trace | |
Ccadabra::Inherit< T > | If a property X derives from Inherit<Y>, and get<Y> is called on an object which has an X property (but no Y property), then the get<Y> will look at the non-index child of the object to see if that has a Y property |
Ccadabra::Integer | Property indicating that a symbolic object always takes integer values |
Ccadabra::Integral | |
Ccadabra::InverseMetric | |
Ccadabra::InverseVielbein | |
Ccadabra::KroneckerDelta | |
Ccadabra::LaTeXForm | |
Ccadabra::Matrix | |
Ccadabra::Metric | |
►Ccadabra::NumericalFlat | Property indicating that an operator is numerically flat, so that numerical factors in the argument can be taken outside |
Ccadabra::Accent | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::Trace | |
Ccadabra::PartialDerivative | |
►Ccadabra::PropertyInherit | PropertyInherit is like Inherit<T> for all properties |
Ccadabra::Accent | |
Ccadabra::RiemannTensor | |
Ccadabra::SatisfiesBianchi | |
►Ccadabra::SelfCommutingBehaviour | |
Ccadabra::SelfAntiCommuting | |
Ccadabra::SelfCommuting | |
Ccadabra::SelfNonCommuting | |
Ccadabra::Spinor | |
Ccadabra::Symbol | |
►Ccadabra::Symmetric | |
Ccadabra::Diagonal | |
Ccadabra::Metric | |
Ccadabra::Tableau | Property representing a Young tableau with unlabelled boxes |
►Ccadabra::TableauBase | |
Ccadabra::AntiSymmetric | |
Ccadabra::DAntiSymmetric | |
Ccadabra::KroneckerDelta | |
Ccadabra::SatisfiesBianchi | |
Ccadabra::Symmetric | |
►Ccadabra::TableauInherit | Property which makes a node inherit the TableauBase properties of child nodes |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::Trace | |
►Ccadabra::TableauSymmetry | |
Ccadabra::InverseMetric | |
Ccadabra::RiemannTensor | |
Ccadabra::WeylTensor | |
Ccadabra::TableauInherit | Property which makes a node inherit the TableauBase properties of child nodes |
Ccadabra::TableauSymmetry | |
Ccadabra::Trace | |
►Ccadabra::Traceless | |
Ccadabra::AntiSymmetric | |
Ccadabra::WeylTensor | |
Ccadabra::Vielbein | |
Ccadabra::WeylTensor | |
►Ccadabra::labelled_property | |
►Ccadabra::WeightBase | |
Ccadabra::Derivative | |
Ccadabra::Weight | |
Ccadabra::WeightInherit | |
►Ccadabra::list_property | Something cannot be both a list property and a normal property at the same time, so we can safely inherit without virtual |
►Ccadabra::CommutingBehaviour | |
Ccadabra::AntiCommuting | |
Ccadabra::Commuting | |
Ccadabra::NonCommuting | |
Ccadabra::Indices | |
Ccadabra::SortOrder | |
Cwebsocket_client::queued_message | |
Cwebsocket_server::connection::queued_message | |
Ccadabra::Properties::registered_property_map_t | |
Ccadabra::substitute::Rules | |
CScopedProgressGroup | |
►CServer | Object representing a Cadabra server, capable of receiving messages on a websocket, running Python code, and sending output back to the client |
Ccadabra::CadabraJupyter | A Jupyter kernel for Cadabra, which provides the Cadabra pre-processor to enable input as in the Gtk notebook frontend |
CShell | |
Csnoop::Snoop | Logging class with functionality to send log information to a remote server using a websocket connection |
Clinear::Solver< T > | |
Ccadabra::split_it | |
CStopwatch | The Stopwach class provides a simple interace to allow timing function calls etc... It is possible to stop the stopwatch for an indefinite amount of time without losing the current elapsed time period, allowing it to be used to calculate the actual amount of time a function spends performing a task without taking into account e.g |
Ccadabra::str_node | Elementary building block for a mathematical expression |
Ccombin::symmetriser< T > | |
Ccombin::symmetriser< unsigned int > | |
Ccadabra::meld::symmetrizer_t | |
►Cyngtab::tableau_base | |
►Cyngtab::tableau | |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< unsigned int > | |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< iterator > | |
Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T > | |
Cyngtab::tableaux< T > | |
Ccadabra::exchange::tensor_type_t | |
Ccadabra::TerminalStream | |
Ccadabra::TeXEngine | TeXEngine is used to convert LaTeX strings into PNG images |
Ccadabra::TeXEngine::TeXRequest | |
►CGtk::TextView | |
CDiffTextView | |
Ccadabra::CodeInput::exp_input_tv | The actual text widget used by CodeInput |
Ccadabra::Console::TextViewProxy | |
Csnoop::Snoop::Ticket | Get status of a given authentication ticket |
CProgressMonitor::Total | Object to accumulate total time and call counts for a particular named execution group |
►Ctree | |
Ccadabra::Ex | Basic storage class for symbolic mathemematical expressions |
Ccadabra::tree_equal_obj | |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_equal_mod_prel_obj | |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_equal_obj | |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_for_indexmap_obj | Compare for indexmap_t |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_mod_prel_obj | |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_mod_prel_obj | |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_obj | Compare two trees exactly, treat wildcard names as ordinary names |
Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_obj | Compare two trees exactly, i.e. including exact index names |
Ccadabra::tree_less_modprel_obj | |
Ccadabra::tree_less_obj | Compare two trees by pattern logic, i.e. modulo index names |
CUI | |
CUri | |
Ccadabra::NEvaluator::VariableValues | The expression will get evaluated for a range of values for each unknown sub-expression (variable) |
►CGtk::VBox | |
Ccadabra::CodeInput | A text cell editor widget with support for editing Python and LaTeX |
Ccadabra::VisualCell | Structure holding a pointer to one of the possible GUI widgets that can appear in a document |
Cwebsocket_client | |
Cwebsocket_server | |
►Cclass Gtk::Window | |
CPreferencesWindow | |
►CKernel | |
Cechokernel.EchoKernel | |
►Ccadabra::ParentTs | |
Ccadabra::BoundProperty< PropT, ParentTs > | |
►Cxinterpreter | |
Ccadabra::CadabraJupyter | A Jupyter kernel for Cadabra, which provides the Cadabra pre-processor to enable input as in the Gtk notebook frontend |