Computer algebra system for field theory problems
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Ccadabra::ActionBaseAll actions derive from the ActionBase object, which defines the interface they need to implement
 Ccadabra::AdjformRepresentation of the index structure of a tensor monomial, using a storage format which resembles an adjacency matrix
 Csnoop::Snoop::AppEntryC++ representation of a run entry
 CProgressMonitor::BlockA single element of the nested group call stack
 CServer::CatchOutputPython output catching
 Cci_equal< charT >
 Ccombin::combinations_base< T >
 Ccombin::combinations_base< unsigned int >
 Ccombin::combinations_base< unsignedint >
 Ccadabra::ComputeThreadBase class which talks to the server and sends Action objects back to the DocumentThread
 Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::const_iterator_base
 Ccadabra::ConvertDataObject to store pre-parsing intermediate results
 Ccadabra::DataCellDataCells are the basic building blocks for a document
 Ccadabra::DisplayBaseBase class for all display classes
 Ccadabra::DocumentThreadA base class with all the logic to manipulate a Cadabra notebook document
 Ccadabra::Ex_comparatorA generic tree comparison class which will take into account index contractions and will also keep track of a replacement list for all types of cadabra wildcards
 Ccadabra::Ex_is_equivalentBasic comparison operator for tree iterators, so we can use them as keys in maps
 Ccadabra::GUIBaseAbstract base class with methods that need to be implemented by any GUI
 Ccadabra::DataCell::id_tEach cell is identified by a serial number 'id' which is used to keep track of it across network calls, and a bool indicating whether the client or the server has created this cell
 Ccadabra::IndexMapTo ensure consistency when creating adjforms out of two different Ex objects an IndexMap object is required which keeps track of which numeric index represents which index name
 Cyngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator_base
 Ccadabra::keyval_tArguments to properties get parsed into a keyval_t structure
 Csnoop::Snoop::LogEntryC++ representation of a log entry
 CLRUcache< Key, Value, Compare >
 CLRUcache< std::weak_ptr< cadabra::Ex >, std::pair< std::map< iterator, bool >, std::map< iterator, bool > >, std::owner_less< std::weak_ptr< cadabra::Ex > > >
 CMultiIndex< T >A class to help iterating over all values of multiple objects
 Ccadabra::NEvaluatorFunctionality to numerically evaluate a scalar expression, give the values of its building blocks
 Ccadabra::nset_it_lessCompare two nset iterators by comparing the strings to which they point
 Ccadabra::ParserClass which turns the string output of a preprocessor object and turns it into an Ex expression tree
 Csnoop::Snoop::PayLoadC++ representation of a payload entry
 CpreprocessorPreprocessing class which takes infix mathematical notation with all sorts of maths shortcuts and transforms it into a string which is properly formatted in prefix notation
 CProgressMonitorObject keeping track of time spent in nested execution blocks, and keeping track of out-of-band messages produced by these blocks
 Ccadabra::ProjectedAdjformRepresentation of a sum of tensor monomials, each having the same tensor names, but with different index positions
 Ccadabra::PropertiesClass holding a collection of properties attached to expressions
 Ccadabra::propertyBase class for all properties, handling argument parsing and defining the interface
 CServerObject representing a Cadabra server, capable of receiving messages on a websocket, running Python code, and sending output back to the client
 Csnoop::SnoopLogging class with functionality to send log information to a remote server using a websocket connection
 Clinear::Solver< T >
 CStopwatchThe Stopwach class provides a simple interace to allow timing function calls etc... It is possible to stop the stopwatch for an indefinite amount of time without losing the current elapsed time period, allowing it to be used to calculate the actual amount of time a function spends performing a task without taking into account e.g
 Ccadabra::str_nodeElementary building block for a mathematical expression
 Ccombin::symmetriser< T >
 Ccombin::symmetriser< unsigned int >
 Cyngtab::tableaux< T >
 Ccadabra::TeXEngineTeXEngine is used to convert LaTeX strings into PNG images
 Csnoop::Snoop::TicketGet status of a given authentication ticket
 CProgressMonitor::TotalObject to accumulate total time and call counts for a particular named execution group
 Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_for_indexmap_objCompare for indexmap_t
 Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_objCompare two trees exactly, treat wildcard names as ordinary names
 Ccadabra::tree_exact_less_objCompare two trees exactly, i.e. including exact index names
 Ccadabra::tree_less_objCompare two trees by pattern logic, i.e. modulo index names
 Ccadabra::NEvaluator::VariableValuesThe expression will get evaluated for a range of values for each unknown sub-expression (variable)
 Ccadabra::VisualCellStructure holding a pointer to one of the possible GUI widgets that can appear in a document
 Cclass Gtk::Window