| evaluate (const Kernel &, Ex &, const Ex &component_values, bool rhs=false, bool simplify=true) |
virtual bool | can_apply (iterator) override |
virtual result_t | apply (iterator &) override |
void | merge_components (iterator it1, iterator it2) |
| Merge the information in two 'components' nodes at the given iterators, moving all out of the second one into the first one.
void | simplify_components (iterator, bool run_sympy=true) |
| Simplify all components of a 'components' node by collecting terms and optionally running sympy's simplify on them.
| Algorithm (const Kernel &, Ex &) |
| Initialise the algorithm with a reference to the expression tree, but do not yet do anything with this tree.
virtual | ~Algorithm () |
void | set_progress_monitor (ProgressMonitor *) |
| Provide the algorithm with a ProgressMonitor object on which to register (nested) progress information, to be reported out-of-band to a client.
result_t | apply_generic (bool deep=true, bool repeat=false, unsigned int depth=0) |
| The main entry points for running algorithms, which traverse the tree post-order ('child before parent').
result_t | apply_generic (iterator &, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth) |
result_t | apply_pre_order (bool repeat=false) |
| Apply algorithm with alternative traversal: starting from the top node, traverse the tree pre-order ('parent before child') and once the algorithm acts at a given node, do not traverse the subtree below anymore.
bool | check_consistency (iterator) const |
| Given an expression top node, check index consistency.
bool | check_index_consistency (iterator) const |
bool | check_degree_consistency (iterator) const |
| Given an expression top node, check differential form degree consistency.
void | report_progress (const std::string &, int todo, int done, int count=2) |
index_iterator | begin_index (iterator it) const |
index_iterator | end_index (iterator it) const |
unsigned int | number_of_indices (iterator it) |
std::string | get_index_set_name (iterator it) const |
bool | rename_replacement_dummies (iterator, bool still_inside_algo=false) |
| Rename the dummies in the sub-tree starting with head at the given iterator.
| IndexClassifier (const Kernel &) |
void | fill_index_position_map (Ex::iterator, const index_map_t &, index_position_map_t &) const |
| Routines to find and classify all indices in an expression, taking into account sums and products.
void | fill_map (index_map_t &, Ex::sibling_iterator, Ex::sibling_iterator) const |
void | print_classify_indices (std::ostream &, Ex::iterator) const |
void | determine_intersection (index_map_t &one, index_map_t &two, index_map_t &target, bool move_out=false) const |
| Determine those indices in 'two' which have a name which is identical to an index name occurring in 'one'.
void | classify_add_index (Ex::iterator it, index_map_t &ind_free, index_map_t &ind_dummy) const |
void | classify_indices_up (Ex::iterator, index_map_t &ind_free, index_map_t &ind_dummy) const |
| Classify indices bottom-up, that is, given a node, it goes up the tree to find.
void | classify_indices (Ex::iterator, index_map_t &ind_free, index_map_t &ind_dummy) const |
| Classify indices top-down, that is, finds the free indices and all dummy index pairs used in the full subtree below a given node.
int | max_numbered_name_one (const std::string &nm, const index_map_t *one) const |
int | max_numbered_name (const std::string &, const index_map_t *m1, const index_map_t *m2=0, const index_map_t *m3=0, const index_map_t *m4=0, const index_map_t *m5=0) const |
Ex | get_dummy (const list_property *, const index_map_t *m1, const index_map_t *m2=0, const index_map_t *m3=0, const index_map_t *m4=0, const index_map_t *m5=0) const |
Ex | get_dummy (const list_property *, Ex::iterator) const |
Ex | get_dummy (const list_property *, Ex::iterator, Ex::iterator) const |
bool | index_in_set (Ex, const index_map_t *) const |
void | dumpmap (std::ostream &, const index_map_t &) const |
index_map_t::iterator | find_modulo_parent_rel (Ex::iterator it, index_map_t &imap) const |
| Find an index in the set, not taking into account index position.
typedef Ex::iterator | iterator |
typedef Ex::post_order_iterator | post_order_iterator |
typedef Ex::sibling_iterator | sibling_iterator |
typedef Ex::result_t | result_t |
typedef std::multimap< Ex, Ex::iterator, tree_exact_less_for_indexmap_obj > | index_map_t |
| A map from a pattern to the position where it occurs in the tree.
typedef std::map< Ex::iterator, int, Ex::iterator_base_less > | index_position_map_t |
| A map from the position of each index to the sequential index.
static unsigned int | number_of_indices (const Properties &, iterator it) |
static unsigned int | number_of_direct_indices (iterator it) |
static bool | is_termlike (iterator) |
| Determines whether the indicated node is 'like a term in a sum'.
static bool | is_factorlike (iterator) |
| Determines whether the indicated node is 'like a factor in a product'.
bool | interrupted |
unsigned int | number_of_calls |
unsigned int | number_of_modifications |
bool | suppress_normal_output |
bool | discard_command_node |
Stopwatch | index_sw |
Stopwatch | get_dummy_sw |
Stopwatch | report_progress_stopwatch |
typedef std::pair< sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator > | range_t |
| Finding objects in sets.
typedef std::vector< range_t > | range_vector_t |
int | index_parity (iterator) const |
bool | contains (sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, sibling_iterator arg) |
void | find_argument_lists (range_vector_t &, bool only_comma_lists=true) const |
template<class Iter > |
range_vector_t::iterator | find_arg_superset (range_vector_t &, Iter st, Iter nd) |
range_vector_t::iterator | find_arg_superset (range_vector_t &, sibling_iterator it) |
unsigned int | locate_single_object (Ex::iterator obj_to_find, Ex::iterator st, Ex::iterator nd, std::vector< unsigned int > &store) |
bool | locate_object_set (const Ex &objs, Ex::iterator st, Ex::iterator nd, std::vector< unsigned int > &store) |
bool | is_single_term (iterator) |
| Take a single non-product node in a sum and wrap it in a product node, so it can be handled on the same footing as a proper product.
bool | is_nonprod_factor_in_prod (iterator) |
bool | prod_wrap_single_term (iterator &) |
bool | prod_unwrap_single_term (iterator &) |
bool | sum_wrap_single_term (iterator &) |
bool | sum_unwrap_single_term (iterator &) |
void | force_node_wrap (iterator &, std::string) |
| Wrap a term in a product or sum in a node with indicated name, irrespective of its parent (it usually makes more sense to call the safer prod_wrap_single_term or sum_wrap_single_term above).
bool | separated_by_derivative (iterator, iterator, iterator check_dependence) const |
| Figure out whether two objects (commonly indices) are separated by a derivative operator, as in.
void | pushup_multiplier (iterator) |
template<class BinaryPredicate > |
unsigned int | intersection_number (sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, BinaryPredicate) const |
| Determine the number of elements in the first range which also occur in the second range.
void | node_zero (iterator) |
void | node_one (iterator) |
void | node_integer (iterator, int) |
static bool | less_without_numbers (nset_t::iterator, nset_t::iterator) |
static bool | equal_without_numbers (nset_t::iterator, nset_t::iterator) |
static bool | compare_ (const str_node &, const str_node &) |
Ex & | tr |
ProgressMonitor * | pm |
bool | traverse_ldots |
const Kernel & | kernel |