Computer algebra system for field theory problems
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cadabra Namespace Reference

Functions to handle the exchange properties of two or more symbols in a product. More...


namespace  symbols


class  Accent
class  ActionAddCell
 Add a cell to the notebook. More...
class  ActionBase
 All actions derive from the ActionBase object, which defines the interface they need to implement. More...
class  ActionCompleteText
 Complete text at a point in a GUI cell with one or more alternative. More...
class  ActionEraseText
 Remove a text string starting at the indicated position, and with the indicated length, from the indicated cell. More...
class  ActionInsertText
 Add a text string (can be just a single character) at the point of the cursor. More...
class  ActionPositionCursor
 Position the cursor relative to the indicated cell. More...
class  ActionRemoveCell
 Remove a cell and all its child cells from the document. More...
class  ActionReplaceCell
 Replace the contents of a cell. More...
class  ActionSetRunStatus
 Update the running status of the indicated cell. More...
class  ActionSetVariableList
 Update the list of referenced variables in this cell. More...
class  ActionSplitCell
 Split a cell into two separate cells, at the point of the cursor. More...
class  Adjform
 Representation of the index structure of a tensor monomial, using a storage format which resembles an adjacency matrix. More...
class  Algorithm
 Base class for all algorithms, containing generic routines and in particular the logic for index classification. More...
class  AntiCommuting
class  AntiSymmetric
class  BoundProperty
class  BoundPropertyBase
class  CadabraJupyter
 A Jupyter kernel for Cadabra, which provides the Cadabra pre-processor to enable input as in the Gtk notebook frontend. More...
class  canonicalise
 Canonicalise the index structure of a tensorial expression. More...
class  ChooseColoursDialog
class  CodeInput
 A text cell editor widget with support for editing Python and LaTeX. More...
class  collect_components
 Collect \components terms inside a sum, merging their substitution rules. More...
class  collect_factors
 Collect symbolically equal factors in a product. More...
class  collect_terms
 Collect symbolically equal terms in a sum. More...
class  combine
class  Commuting
class  CommutingAsProduct
class  CommutingAsSum
class  CommutingBehaviour
class  complete
 Complete a set of coordinate rules so that they also cover related tensors. More...
class  component
class  ComputeThread
 Base class which talks to the server and sends Action objects back to the DocumentThread. More...
class  Console
class  ConvertData
 Object to store pre-parsing intermediate results. More...
class  Coordinate
class  DAntiSymmetric
class  DataCell
 DataCells are the basic building blocks for a document. More...
class  decompose
class  decompose_product
 Decompose a product of tensors by applying Young projectors. More...
class  Depends
class  DependsBase
class  DependsInherit
class  Derivative
class  DerivativeOp
class  Determinant
class  Diagonal
class  DifferentialForm
class  DifferentialFormBase
class  DiracBar
class  DisplayBase
 Base class for all display classes. More...
class  DisplayMMA
 Class to display expressions in a format that Mathematica can parse. More...
class  DisplaySympy
 Class to display expressions in a format that Sympy can parse. More...
class  DisplayTerminal
 Class to display expressions to the terminal. More...
class  DisplayTeX
 Class to handle display of expressions using LaTeX notation. More...
class  Distributable
class  distribute
 Distribute factors over a sum, that is, \( (A+B) C \rightarrow A C + B C \). More...
class  DocumentThread
 A base class with all the logic to manipulate a Cadabra notebook document. More...
class  drop_keep_weight
class  drop_weight
class  einsteinify
class  eliminate_converter
class  eliminate_kronecker
class  eliminate_metric
class  eliminate_vielbein
class  epsilon_to_delta
class  EpsilonTensor
class  evaluate
class  Ex
 Basic storage class for symbolic mathemematical expressions. More...
class  Ex_comparator
 A generic tree comparison class which will take into account index contractions and will also keep track of a replacement list for all types of cadabra wildcards. More...
class  Ex_hasher
class  Ex_is_equivalent
 Basic comparison operator for tree iterators, so we can use them as keys in maps. More...
class  Ex_is_less
class  exchange
class  expand
class  expand_delta
class  expand_diracbar
class  expand_dummies
class  expand_power
class  explicit_indices
class  ExteriorDerivative
class  factor_in
class  factor_out
class  fierz
class  FilledTableau
class  flatten_product
class  flatten_sum
class  GammaMatrix
class  GammaTraceless
class  GUIBase
 Abstract base class with methods that need to be implemented by any GUI. More...
class  ImageView
 An image viewing widget. More...
class  ImaginaryI
class  ImplicitIndex
class  index_iterator
 An iterator which iterates over indices even if they are at lower levels, i.e. More...
class  IndexClassifier
class  IndexInherit
class  IndexMap
 To ensure consistency when creating adjforms out of two different Ex objects an IndexMap object is required which keeps track of which numeric index represents which index name. More...
class  indexsort
class  Indices
class  Inherit
 If a property X derives from Inherit<Y>, and get<Y> is called on an object which has an X property (but no Y property), then the get<Y> will look at the non-index child of the object to see if that has a Y property. More...
class  Integer
 Property indicating that a symbolic object always takes integer values. More...
class  Integral
class  integrate_by_parts
 Integrate by parts away from the indicated derivative object. More...
class  InverseMetric
class  InverseVielbein
struct  iter_indices
class  join_gamma
class  keep_terms
class  keep_weight
class  Kernel
class  keyval_t
 Arguments to properties get parsed into a keyval_t structure. More...
class  KroneckerDelta
class  labelled_property
class  LaTeXForm
class  list_property
 Something cannot be both a list property and a normal property at the same time, so we can safely inherit without virtual. More...
class  lower_free_indices
class  lr_tensor
class  map_mma
 Functionality to act with Mathematica on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place. More...
class  map_sympy
 Functionality to act with Sympy on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place. More...
class  Matrix
class  meld
class  Metric
class  nevaluate
class  NEvaluator
 Functionality to numerically evaluate a scalar expression, give the values of its building blocks. More...
class  NonCommuting
class  NotebookCanvas
class  NotebookWindow
 Each notebook has one main window which controls it. More...
class  nset_it_less
 Compare two nset iterators by comparing the strings to which they point. More...
class  NTensor
class  NumericalFlat
 Property indicating that an operator is numerically flat, so that numerical factors in the argument can be taken outside. More...
class  order
class  Parser
 Class which turns the string output of a preprocessor object and turns it into an Ex expression tree. More...
class  PartialDerivative
class  pattern
class  product_rule
class  ProjectedAdjform
 Representation of a sum of tensor monomials, each having the same tensor names, but with different index positions. More...
class  Properties
 Class holding a collection of properties attached to expressions. More...
class  property
 Base class for all properties, handling argument parsing and defining the interface. More...
class  PropertyInherit
 PropertyInherit is like Inherit<T> for all properties. More...
class  reduce_delta
class  rename_dummies
class  replace_match
class  rewrite_indices
class  RiemannTensor
class  SatisfiesBianchi
class  SelfAntiCommuting
class  SelfCommuting
class  SelfCommutingBehaviour
class  SelfNonCommuting
class  simplify
 General purpose brute force scalar simplification algorithm. More...
class  SliderView
 An slider widget. More...
class  sort_product
class  sort_spinors
class  sort_sum
class  SortOrder
class  Spinor
class  split
 Split an expression into terms or factors. More...
class  split_gamma
class  split_index
struct  split_it
class  str_node
 Elementary building block for a mathematical expression. More...
class  substitute
 Generic substitution algorithm. More...
class  sym
class  Symbol
class  Symmetric
class  tab_basics
class  tabdimension
class  Tableau
 Property representing a Young tableau with unlabelled boxes. More...
class  TableauBase
class  TableauInherit
 Property which makes a node inherit the TableauBase properties of child nodes. More...
class  TableauSymmetry
class  take_match
class  TerminalStream
class  TeXEngine
 TeXEngine is used to convert LaTeX strings into PNG images. More...
class  TeXView
 TeXView is a widget which knows how to turn a string into a LaTeX-rendered image and display that. More...
class  Trace
class  Traceless
class  tree_equal_obj
class  tree_exact_equal_mod_prel_obj
class  tree_exact_equal_obj
class  tree_exact_less_for_indexmap_obj
 Compare for indexmap_t. More...
class  tree_exact_less_mod_prel_obj
class  tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_mod_prel_obj
class  tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_obj
 Compare two trees exactly, treat wildcard names as ordinary names. More...
class  tree_exact_less_obj
 Compare two trees exactly, i.e. including exact index names. More...
class  tree_less_modprel_obj
class  tree_less_obj
 Compare two trees by pattern logic, i.e. modulo index names. More...
class  untrace
class  unwrap
class  unzoom
class  vary
 Generic variational derivative algorithm. More...
class  Vielbein
class  VisualCell
 Structure holding a pointer to one of the possible GUI widgets that can appear in a document. More...
class  Weight
class  WeightBase
class  WeightInherit
class  WeylTensor
class  young_project
class  young_project_product
class  young_project_tensor
class  zoom


typedef void(* dispatcher_t) (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it)
typedef tree< DataCellDTree
using flags_base_t = std::underlying_type_t< HashFlags >
typedef mpq_class multiplier_t
typedef std::set< std::string > nset_t
typedef std::set< multiplier_trset_t
typedef uintptr_t hashval_t
using Ex_ptr = std::shared_ptr< Ex >
using tab_t = TableauBase::tab_t


enum  HashFlags : unsigned int {


bool is_coordinate (const Kernel &kernel, Ex::iterator it)
bool is_index (const Kernel &kernel, Ex::iterator it, bool include_coordinates)
ProjectedAdjform operator+ (ProjectedAdjform lhs, const ProjectedAdjform &rhs)
ProjectedAdjform operator* (ProjectedAdjform lhs, const ProjectedAdjform::integer_type &rhs)
std::string escape_quotes (const std::string &)
std::string cdb2python (const std::string &, bool display)
 Convert a block of Cadabra notation into pure Python.
std::string cdb2python_string (const std::string &, bool display, std::string &error)
int is_python_code_complete (const std::string &, std::string &error)
 Test whether a block of Python code is complete or requires more input lines.
bool code_contains_variable (const std::string &code, const std::string &variable)
 Determine if the python code code contains a reference to the variable variable by parsing it into an AST.
bool variables_in_code (const std::string &code, std::set< std::string > &variables)
 Fill a set with all variables references in the given piece of Python code.
bool variables_to_pull_in (const std::string &code, std::set< std::string > &variables)
 Fill a set with all variables references inside of Cadabra pull-in constructions, that is, constructions of the form "@(var)".
std::string remove_variable_assignments (const std::string &code, const std::string &variable)
 Given a piece of Python code, remove all lines which assign a value to the given variable.
std::pair< std::string, std::string > convert_line (const std::string &, ConvertData &cv, bool display)
 Detect Cadabra expression statements and rewrite to Python form.
std::string cnb2python (const std::string &, bool for_standalone)
 Convert a Cadabra notebook file to pure Python.
void cleanup_dispatch (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it)
 Central cleanup dispatch routine, which calls the other cleanup functions defined later.
void check_index_consistency (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it)
 Generic tool to check for index inconsistencies independent of running any algorithm.
bool cleanup_fraclike (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it)
 Individual node cleanup routines.
bool cleanup_powlike (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_productlike (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_sumlike (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool push_down_multiplier (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it)
 Given a node with a non-unit multiplier, push this multiplier down the tree if the node is not allowed to have a non-unit multiplier.
bool cleanup_components (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_partialderivative (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_derivative (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_numericalflat (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_diagonal (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_kronecker (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_exterior_derivative (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_comma (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
bool cleanup_tie (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
void cleanup_dispatch_deep (const Kernel &k, Ex &, dispatcher_t disp=&cleanup_dispatch)
 More general cleanup of an entire tree.
void cleanup_dispatch_deep (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &, dispatcher_t dispatch)
int subtree_compare (const Properties *, Ex::iterator one, Ex::iterator two, int mod_prel=-2, bool checksets=true, int compare_multiplier=-2, bool literal_wildcards=false)
 Basic building block subtree comparison function for tensors without dummy indices, which determines whether two tensor subtrees are equal up to the names of indices.
bool tree_less (const Properties *, const Ex &one, const Ex &two, int mod_prel=-2, bool checksets=true, int compare_multiplier=-2)
 Various comparison functions, some exact, some with pattern logic.
bool tree_equal (const Properties *properties, const Ex &one, const Ex &two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier)
bool tree_exact_less (const Properties *properties, const Ex &one, const Ex &two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier, bool literal_wildcards)
bool tree_exact_equal (const Properties *properties, const Ex &one, const Ex &two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier, bool literal_wildcards)
bool subtree_less (const Properties *properties, Ex::iterator one, Ex::iterator two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier)
bool subtree_equal (const Properties *properties, Ex::iterator one, Ex::iterator two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier)
bool subtree_exact_less (const Properties *properties, Ex::iterator one, Ex::iterator two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier, bool literal_wildcards)
bool subtree_exact_equal (const Properties *properties, Ex::iterator one, Ex::iterator two, int mod_prel, bool checksets, int compare_multiplier, bool literal_wildcards)
std::string JSON_serialise (const DTree &)
 Serialise a document into .cj format, which is a JSON version of the document tree.
void JSON_recurse (const DTree &, DTree::iterator, nlohmann::json &)
void JSON_deserialise (const std::string &, DTree &)
 Load a document from .cnb format, i.e. the inverse of the above.
void JSON_in_recurse (DTree &doc, DTree::iterator loc, const nlohmann::json &cells)
std::string export_as_HTML (const DTree &doc, bool for_embedding=false, bool strip_code=false, std::string title="")
 Export a document to a single self-contained HTML file containing inline CSS.
void HTML_recurse (const DTree &doc, DTree::iterator it, std::ostringstream &str, const std::string &preamble_string, bool for_embedding=false, bool strip_code=false, std::string title="")
std::string latex_to_html (const std::string &)
 Convert various LaTeX constructions to HTML-with-Mathjax, e.g.
std::string export_as_LaTeX (const DTree &doc, const std::string &image_file_base, bool for_embedding=false)
 Export a document to a single self-contained LaTeX file, with the exception of images which get saved as separate numbered files.
void LaTeX_recurse (const DTree &doc, DTree::iterator it, std::ostringstream &str, const std::string &preamble_string, const std::string &image_file_base, int &image_num, bool for_embedding)
std::string export_as_python (const DTree &doc)
 Export a document to a python-like file (converting text cells to comments and python cells to python code, dropping output cells).
void python_recurse (const DTree &doc, DTree::iterator it, std::ostringstream &str)
nlohmann::json ipynb2cnb (const nlohmann::json &)
 Replace all occurrences of a substring in the original string.
nlohmann::json cnb2ipynb (const nlohmann::json &)
 Convert the JSON of a Cadabra notebook to a Jupyter notebook.
template<typename DisplayType >
std::string ex_to_string (const Kernel &kernel, const Ex &ex)
template<typename DisplayType >
std::string ex_to_string (const Kernel &kernel, Ex::iterator it)
const charunichar (kunichar c)
bool operator< (const exchange::tensor_type_t &one, const exchange::tensor_type_t &two)
void do_list (const Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it, std::function< bool(Ex::iterator)> f)
 Apply a function on every element of a list, or if the iterator 'it' does not point to a list, only on that single element.
int list_size (const Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it)
 For lists as defined above for 'do_list', return their size (in case you really need to know the size before iterating over the elements).
Ex::iterator find_in_subtree (const Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it, std::function< bool(Ex::iterator)> f, bool including_head=true)
 Returns an iterator to the first element for which 'f' returns 'true', or 'tr.end()'.
Ex::iterator find_in_list (const Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it, std::function< Ex::iterator(Ex::iterator)> f)
 Returns an iterator to the first element for which 'f' does not return tr.end().
Ex make_list (Ex el)
 Ensure that the tree is a list, even if it contains only a single element.
template<typename T >
T::iterator do_subtree (const T &tr, typename T::iterator it, std::function< typename T::iterator(typename T::iterator)> f)
 Apply a function on every node in the tree at and below the given node, depth-first.
HashFlags operator~ (HashFlags flags)
HashFlags operator| (HashFlags lhs, HashFlags rhs)
HashFlags operator& (HashFlags lhs, HashFlags rhs)
HashFlagsoperator|= (HashFlags &lhs, HashFlags rhs)
HashFlagsoperator&= (HashFlags &lhs, HashFlags rhs)
Ex_hasher::result_t hash_ex (Ex::iterator it, HashFlags flags)
bool hash_compare (Ex::iterator lhs, Ex::iterator rhs, HashFlags flags)
std::string install_prefix ()
 Return an absolute path to the installation path.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const NTensor &)
void pre_clean_dispatch (const Kernel &kernel, Ex &ex, Ex::iterator &it)
void pre_clean_dispatch_deep (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr)
void cleanup_updown (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it)
 Cleanup for individual node types.
void cleanup_rational (const Kernel &, Ex &, Ex::iterator &st)
void cleanup_frac (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &st)
void cleanup_sqrt (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &st)
void cleanup_prod (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &st)
void cleanup_sub (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it)
void cleanup_indexbracket (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it)
 Convert parser output which indicates an indexbracket to an actual indexbracket node.
std::string replace_all (std::string const &original, std::string const &from, std::string const &to)
 Replace all occurrances of 'from' with 'to', return result (does not replace in-place).
long to_long (multiplier_t mul)
double to_double (multiplier_t mul)
std::string to_string (long num)
void multiply (rset_t::iterator &, multiplier_t)
 Helper functions for manipulation of multipliers.
void set (rset_t::iterator &num, multiplier_t fac)
void add (rset_t::iterator &num, multiplier_t fac)
void zero (rset_t::iterator &num)
void one (rset_t::iterator &num)
void flip_sign (rset_t::iterator &num)
void half (rset_t::iterator &num)
template<typename T >
bool is_in (const T &val, const std::initializer_list< T > &list)
void init_algorithms (py::module &m)
template<class Algo >
Ex_ptr apply_algo_base (Algo &algo, Ex_ptr ex, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth, bool pre_order=false)
 Generic internal entry point for the Python side to execute a C++ algorithm.
template<class Algo >
Ex_ptr apply_algo (Ex_ptr ex, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename Arg1 >
Ex_ptr apply_algo (Ex_ptr ex, Arg1 arg1, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Ex_ptr apply_algo (Ex_ptr ex, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 >
Ex_ptr apply_algo (Ex_ptr ex, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename... Args, typename... PyArgs>
void def_algo (pybind11::module &m, const char *name, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth, PyArgs... pyargs)
 Method to declare a Python function with variable number of arguments, and make that call a C++ algorithm as specified in the Algo template parameter.
template<class Algo >
Ex_ptr apply_algo_preorder (Ex_ptr ex, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename Arg1 >
Ex_ptr apply_algo_preorder (Ex_ptr ex, Arg1 arg1, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Ex_ptr apply_algo_preorder (Ex_ptr ex, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth)
template<class Algo , typename... Args, typename... PyArgs>
void def_algo_preorder (pybind11::module &m, const char *name, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth, PyArgs... pyargs)
 Method to declare a Python function with variable number of arguments, and make that call a C++ algorithm as specified in the Algo template parameter.
void init_algorithms (pybind11::module &m)
bool Ex_compare (Ex_ptr, Ex_ptr)
 Comparison operator for Ex objects in Python.
bool Ex_compare (Ex_ptr one, int other)
Ex_ptr Ex_add (const Ex_ptr ex1, const ExNode ex2)
 Add two expressions, adding a top-level '\sum' node if required.
Ex_ptr Ex_add (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2)
Ex_ptr Ex_add (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2, Ex::iterator top2)
Ex_ptr Ex_join (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2)
Ex_ptr Ex_join (const std::vector< Ex_ptr > &exs)
Ex_ptr Ex_mul (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2)
 Multiply two expressions, adding a top-level '\prod' node if required.
Ex_ptr Ex_mul (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2, Ex::iterator top2)
Ex_ptr Ex_sub (const Ex_ptr ex1, const ExNode ex2)
 Subtract two expressions, adding a top-level '\sum' node if required.
Ex_ptr Ex_sub (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2)
Ex_ptr Ex_sub (const Ex_ptr ex1, const Ex_ptr ex2, Ex::iterator top2)
Ex_ptr fetch_from_python (const std::string &nm)
 Fetch an Ex object from the Python side using its Python identifier.
Ex_ptr fetch_from_python (const std::string &nm, pybind11::object scope)
std::string Ex_as_str (Ex_ptr)
 Generate the Python str() and repr() representation of the Ex object.
std::string Ex_as_repr (Ex_ptr ex)
std::string Ex_as_latex (Ex_ptr)
 The Python 'print' function always calls the 'str' member on objects to be printed.
pybind11::object Ex_as_sympy (Ex_ptr)
 Outputs a Cadabra 'Ex' as a Sympy expression.
pybind11::object ExNode_as_sympy (const ExNode &exnode)
std::string Ex_as_sympy_string (Ex_ptr)
 Similar to Ex_to_Sympy, but only producing a string which can be parsed by Sympy, instead of a full-fledged Sympy expression.
std::string Ex_as_input (Ex_ptr ex)
std::string Ex_as_MMA (Ex_ptr ex, bool use_unicode)
Ex_comparator::match_t ExNode_compare (const ExNode &lhs, const ExNode &rhs, const std::string &use_props, bool ignore_parent_rel)
std::string print_tree (Ex *ex)
Ex lhs (Ex_ptr ex)
Ex rhs (Ex_ptr ex)
Ex Ex_getslice (Ex_ptr ex, pybind11::slice slice)
Ex Ex_getitem (Ex &ex, int index)
void Ex_setitem (Ex_ptr ex, int index, Ex val)
void Ex_setitem_iterator (Ex_ptr ex, ExNode en, Ex_ptr val)
size_t Ex_len (Ex_ptr ex)
long Ex_int_cast (Ex_ptr ex)
std::string Ex_head (Ex_ptr ex)
pybind11::object Ex_get_mult (Ex_ptr ex)
pybind11::list terms (Ex_ptr ex)
std::shared_ptr< sympy::SympyBridgeSympyBridge_init (std::shared_ptr< Ex > ex)
Ex_ptr Ex_from_string (const std::string &ex_, bool, Kernel *kernel)
Ex_ptr Ex_from_int (int num, bool)
void call_post_process (Kernel &kernel, Ex_ptr ex)
void Ex_cleanup (Ex_ptr ex)
Ex_ptr map_sympy_wrapper (Ex_ptr ex, std::string head, pybind11::args args)
void init_ex (py::module &m)
std::string Ex_as_tree (Ex *ex)
void init_ex (pybind11::module &m)
py::object get_locals ()
py::object get_globals ()
bool scope_has (const py::dict &dict, const std::string &obj)
std::string install_prefix_of_module ()
 Get the installation prefix of the binary cadabra2 module, typically something like /usr/lib/pythonX.YY/site-packages/.
std::string read_manual (pybind11::module &m, const char *category, const char *name)
 Return the manual page for the category ("property"/"algorithm") and given name.
bool scope_has (const pybind11::dict &dict, const std::string &obj)
 Determine whether the given python scope contains a variable with the given name.
Kernelcreate_scope ()
 Setup of kernels in current scope, callable from Python.
Kernelcreate_scope_from_global ()
Kernelcreate_empty_scope ()
Kernelget_kernel_from_scope ()
 Get a pointer to the currently visible kernel.
void kernel_configure_warnings (Kernel &kernel, pybind11::kwargs kwargs)
void init_kernel (pybind11::module &m)
void init_media (py::module &m)
void init_media (pybind11::module &m)
std::string init_ipython ()
 PYBIND11_MODULE (cadabra2, m)
void init_ntensor (py::module &m)
void init_ntensor (pybind11::module &m)
void compile_package (const std::string &in_name, const std::string &out_name)
 Convert a Cadabra notebook file to a python package which can be imported using standard 'import' notation.
void init_packages (pybind11::module &m)
py::list ProgressMonitor_totals_helper (ProgressMonitor &self)
ProgressMonitorget_progress_monitor ()
void init_progress_monitor (py::module &m)
void init_progress_monitor (pybind11::module &m)
template<typename BoundPropT >
BoundPropT::py_type def_abstract_prop (pybind11::module &m, const std::string &name)
template<typename BoundPropT >
BoundPropT::py_type def_prop (pybind11::module &m)
pybind11::list list_properties ()
std::vector< Exindices_get_all (const Indices *indices, bool include_wildcards)
Ex indices_get_dummy (const Indices *indices, const Ex_ptr &ex)
void init_properties (py::module &m)
template<typename PropT >
std::string get_name ()
template<typename BoundPropT >
BoundPropT::py_type def_abstract_prop (pybind11::module &m)
void init_properties (pybind11::module &m)
void init_stopwatch (py::module &m)
void init_stopwatch (pybind11::module &m)
std::string tab_str (const tab_t &tab)
void init_tableau (pybind11::module &m)
std::string capitalize_first (std::string in)


nset_t name_set
rset_t rat_set
bool post_process_enabled = true

Detailed Description

Functions to handle the exchange properties of two or more symbols in a product.

NotebookCanvas is an actual view on the document.

Evaluate a tensorial expression to components, performing all dummy index sums.

Handle the entire preclean stage, which turns a parsed expression into an expression which satisfies the Cadabra conventions.

Class to hold numerical values structured in tensor form, that is, a multi-dimensional array.

Cadabra kernel that keeps all state information that needs to be passed around to algorithms and properties.

Class to deal with index scanning and classification.

This module is only concerned with the exchange properties of tensors as a whole, not with index permutation symmetries (which are handled in the canonicalise class of

Stores property information and global settings.

This does not involve the property system.

See tests/components.cdb for basic samples.

Components nodes have the following structure:

\components_{a b ... n}({t,t,...r}=value, {t,t,...r}=value, ...)


 _{m}            // index names/types
            \comma          // last child
                    \comma   // list of index values
        [value]  // value of tensor for above values of indices

ex:= A_{m n} ( A_{m n} + B_{m n} );
crds:= m -> { t, r, \phi, \theta };
vals:= { A_{t t} -> r, A_{r r} -> r**2, A_{t \phi} -> t, B_{t t} -> 1 };
evaluate(ex, crds, vals);
tst:= r * ( r + 1 ) + r**2 * r**2 + t*t - @(ex);


The algorithm performs the following steps. First, all free and dummy indices are classified using members of Algorithm (maybe later?). For all indices, the 'crds' argument to the algorithm is scanned for a


m -> { a,b,c }


type pattern.

Do a dept-first scan until the first sum or product node.

In a sum node, all terms must have the same index structure, so we can now make a map from the subtree pattern to all possible index values. For each such index value set, lookup if there is a replacement pattern, if not replace by zero. This map can be reused later for equal sub-expressions (here it is important that a normal tensor expression can be used as a pattern immediately, though I would search both on explicit iterator (for things that we have just seen) and on pattern (for things that occur again later in the tree)).

In a product node, find all dummies and free indices. Create a set of all index value sets, e.g.


        {m, n, p} ->
        { {t, t, t}, {r,t,t}, {t,r,t}, ... }


For each such index value set, lookup replacement rules.

KEY: quick way to lookup, for a given set of index values on a (found) pattern/pattern pointed to by iterator, whether and what is the value of the pattern.

There can be any number of them active inside the NotebookWindow. Each DataCell in the notebook document has a corresponding VisualCell in the NotebookCanvas, which gets added by NotebookCanvas::add_cell.

Cells which contain child cells (e.g. CodeInput, which can contain child cells corresponding to the TeXView output) will also be hierarchically ordered in the visual tree. That is, any visual cell which can contain a child cell will have it stored inside a Gtk::Box inside the visual cell. Removing any cell will therefore also immediately remove the child cells.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dispatcher_t

typedef void(* cadabra::dispatcher_t) (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it)

◆ DTree

◆ Ex_ptr

using cadabra::Ex_ptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Ex>

◆ flags_base_t

using cadabra::flags_base_t = typedef std::underlying_type_t<HashFlags>

◆ hashval_t

◆ multiplier_t

◆ nset_t

typedef std::set<std::string> cadabra::nset_t

◆ rset_t

◆ tab_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HashFlags


Function Documentation

◆ add()

void cadabra::add ( rset_t::iterator &  num,
multiplier_t  fac 

◆ apply_algo() [1/4]

Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo ( Ex_ptr  ex,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2,
Arg3  arg3,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ apply_algo() [2/4]

template<class Algo , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo ( Ex_ptr  ex,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ apply_algo() [3/4]

template<class Algo , typename Arg1 >
Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo ( Ex_ptr  ex,
Arg1  arg1,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ apply_algo() [4/4]

template<class Algo >
Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo ( Ex_ptr  ex,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ apply_algo_preorder() [1/3]

template<class Algo , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo_preorder ( Ex_ptr  ex,
Arg1  arg1,
Arg2  arg2,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ apply_algo_preorder() [2/3]

template<class Algo , typename Arg1 >
Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo_preorder ( Ex_ptr  ex,
Arg1  arg1,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ apply_algo_preorder() [3/3]

template<class Algo >
Ex_ptr cadabra::apply_algo_preorder ( Ex_ptr  ex,
bool  deep,
bool  repeat,
unsigned int  depth 

◆ call_post_process()

void cadabra::call_post_process ( Kernel kernel,
Ex_ptr  ex 

◆ capitalize_first()

std::string cadabra::capitalize_first ( std::string  in)

◆ cdb2python_string()

std::string cadabra::cdb2python_string ( const std::string &  blk,
bool  display,
std::string &  error 

◆ check_index_consistency()

void cadabra::check_index_consistency ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator  it 

Generic tool to check for index inconsistencies independent of running any algorithm.

◆ cleanup_comma()

bool cadabra::cleanup_comma ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_components()

bool cadabra::cleanup_components ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_derivative()

bool cadabra::cleanup_derivative ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_diagonal()

bool cadabra::cleanup_diagonal ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_dispatch_deep()

void cadabra::cleanup_dispatch_deep ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  ,
dispatcher_t  dispatch 

◆ cleanup_exterior_derivative()

bool cadabra::cleanup_exterior_derivative ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_frac()

void cadabra::cleanup_frac ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  st 

◆ cleanup_fraclike()

bool cadabra::cleanup_fraclike ( const Kernel k,
Ex ,
Ex::iterator &  it 

Individual node cleanup routines.

Do not call these yourself.

Once more, these algorithms clean up the tree at the current node and the first layer of child nodes, but do NOT descend deeper down the tree, except when that is necessary to ensure that the tree remains consistent. As with any algorithms, the iterator pointing to the starting node may be changed, but these functions are not allowed to modify anything except the node and nodes below (in particular, they will leave sibling nodes untouched).

◆ cleanup_indexbracket()

void cadabra::cleanup_indexbracket ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

Convert parser output which indicates an indexbracket to an actual indexbracket node.

◆ cleanup_kronecker()

bool cadabra::cleanup_kronecker ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_numericalflat()

bool cadabra::cleanup_numericalflat ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_partialderivative()

bool cadabra::cleanup_partialderivative ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_powlike()

bool cadabra::cleanup_powlike ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_prod()

void cadabra::cleanup_prod ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  st 

◆ cleanup_productlike()

bool cadabra::cleanup_productlike ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_rational()

void cadabra::cleanup_rational ( const Kernel ,
Ex ,
Ex::iterator &  st 

◆ cleanup_sqrt()

void cadabra::cleanup_sqrt ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  st 

◆ cleanup_sub()

void cadabra::cleanup_sub ( const Kernel ,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_sumlike()

bool cadabra::cleanup_sumlike ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_tie()

bool cadabra::cleanup_tie ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ cleanup_updown()

void cadabra::cleanup_updown ( const Kernel k,
Ex ,
Ex::iterator &  it 

Cleanup for individual node types.

These are not needed during any later stages of the manipulation of an expression (and are hence defined here, not in 'Cleanup.hh').

◆ cnb2ipynb()

nlohmann::json cadabra::cnb2ipynb ( const nlohmann::json &  root)

Convert the JSON of a Cadabra notebook to a Jupyter notebook.

◆ code_contains_variable()

bool cadabra::code_contains_variable ( const std::string &  code,
const std::string &  variable 

Determine if the python code code contains a reference to the variable variable by parsing it into an AST.

◆ create_empty_scope()

Kernel * cadabra::create_empty_scope ( )

◆ create_scope_from_global()

Kernel * cadabra::create_scope_from_global ( )

◆ def_abstract_prop() [1/2]

template<typename BoundPropT >
BoundPropT::py_type cadabra::def_abstract_prop ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ def_abstract_prop() [2/2]

template<typename BoundPropT >
BoundPropT::py_type cadabra::def_abstract_prop ( pybind11::module &  m,
const std::string &  name 

◆ def_prop()

template<typename BoundPropT >
BoundPropT::py_type cadabra::def_prop ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ escape_quotes()

std::string cadabra::escape_quotes ( const std::string &  line)

◆ Ex_add() [1/2]

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_add ( const Ex_ptr  ex1,
const Ex_ptr  ex2 

◆ Ex_add() [2/2]

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_add ( const Ex_ptr  ex1,
const Ex_ptr  ex2,
Ex::iterator  top2 

◆ Ex_as_input()

std::string cadabra::Ex_as_input ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_as_MMA()

std::string cadabra::Ex_as_MMA ( Ex_ptr  ex,
bool  use_unicode 

◆ Ex_as_repr()

std::string cadabra::Ex_as_repr ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_as_sympy_string()

std::string cadabra::Ex_as_sympy_string ( Ex_ptr  ex)

Similar to Ex_to_Sympy, but only producing a string which can be parsed by Sympy, instead of a full-fledged Sympy expression.

◆ Ex_as_tree()

std::string cadabra::Ex_as_tree ( Ex ex)

◆ Ex_cleanup()

void cadabra::Ex_cleanup ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_compare()

bool cadabra::Ex_compare ( Ex_ptr  one,
int  other 

◆ Ex_from_int()

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_from_int ( int  num,

◆ Ex_from_string()

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_from_string ( const std::string &  ex_,
bool  ,
Kernel kernel 

◆ Ex_get_mult()

pybind11::object cadabra::Ex_get_mult ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_getitem()

Ex cadabra::Ex_getitem ( Ex ex,
int  index 

◆ Ex_getslice()

Ex cadabra::Ex_getslice ( Ex_ptr  ex,
pybind11::slice  slice 

◆ Ex_head()

std::string cadabra::Ex_head ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_int_cast()

long cadabra::Ex_int_cast ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_join() [1/2]

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_join ( const Ex_ptr  ex1,
const Ex_ptr  ex2 

◆ Ex_join() [2/2]

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_join ( const std::vector< Ex_ptr > &  exs)

◆ Ex_len()

size_t cadabra::Ex_len ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ Ex_mul()

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_mul ( const Ex_ptr  ex1,
const Ex_ptr  ex2,
Ex::iterator  top2 

◆ Ex_setitem()

void cadabra::Ex_setitem ( Ex_ptr  ex,
int  index,
Ex  val 

◆ Ex_setitem_iterator()

void cadabra::Ex_setitem_iterator ( Ex_ptr  ex,
ExNode  en,
Ex_ptr  val 

◆ Ex_sub() [1/2]

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_sub ( const Ex_ptr  ex1,
const Ex_ptr  ex2 

◆ Ex_sub() [2/2]

Ex_ptr cadabra::Ex_sub ( const Ex_ptr  ex1,
const Ex_ptr  ex2,
Ex::iterator  top2 

◆ ex_to_string() [1/2]

template<typename DisplayType >
std::string cadabra::ex_to_string ( const Kernel kernel,
const Ex ex 

◆ ex_to_string() [2/2]

template<typename DisplayType >
std::string cadabra::ex_to_string ( const Kernel kernel,
Ex::iterator  it 

◆ ExNode_as_sympy()

pybind11::object cadabra::ExNode_as_sympy ( const ExNode exnode)

◆ ExNode_compare()

Ex_comparator::match_t cadabra::ExNode_compare ( const ExNode lhs,
const ExNode rhs,
const std::string &  use_props,
bool  ignore_parent_rel 

◆ export_as_HTML()

std::string cadabra::export_as_HTML ( const DTree doc,
bool  for_embedding = false,
bool  strip_code = false,
std::string  title = "" 

Export a document to a single self-contained HTML file containing inline CSS.

◆ export_as_LaTeX()

std::string cadabra::export_as_LaTeX ( const DTree doc,
const std::string &  image_file_base,
bool  for_embedding = false 

Export a document to a single self-contained LaTeX file, with the exception of images which get saved as separate numbered files.

◆ export_as_python()

std::string cadabra::export_as_python ( const DTree doc)

Export a document to a python-like file (converting text cells to comments and python cells to python code, dropping output cells).

◆ fetch_from_python()

Ex_ptr cadabra::fetch_from_python ( const std::string &  nm,
pybind11::object  scope 

◆ flip_sign()

void cadabra::flip_sign ( rset_t::iterator &  num)

◆ get_globals()

pybind11::object cadabra::get_globals ( )

◆ get_locals()

pybind11::object cadabra::get_locals ( )

◆ get_name()

template<typename PropT >
std::string cadabra::get_name ( )

◆ get_progress_monitor()

ProgressMonitor * cadabra::get_progress_monitor ( )

◆ half()

void cadabra::half ( rset_t::iterator &  num)

◆ hash_compare()

bool cadabra::hash_compare ( Ex::iterator  lhs,
Ex::iterator  rhs,
HashFlags  flags 

◆ hash_ex()

Ex_hasher::result_t cadabra::hash_ex ( Ex::iterator  it,
HashFlags  flags 

◆ HTML_recurse()

void cadabra::HTML_recurse ( const DTree doc,
DTree::iterator  it,
std::ostringstream &  str,
const std::string &  preamble_string,
bool  for_embedding = false,
bool  strip_code = false,
std::string  title = "" 

◆ indices_get_all()

std::vector< Ex > cadabra::indices_get_all ( const Indices indices,
bool  include_wildcards 

◆ indices_get_dummy()

Ex cadabra::indices_get_dummy ( const Indices indices,
const Ex_ptr ex 

◆ init_algorithms() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_algorithms ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_algorithms() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_algorithms ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_ex() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_ex ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_ex() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_ex ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_ipython()

std::string cadabra::init_ipython ( )

◆ init_kernel()

void cadabra::init_kernel ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_media() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_media ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_media() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_media ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_ntensor() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_ntensor ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_ntensor() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_ntensor ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_packages()

void cadabra::init_packages ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_progress_monitor() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_progress_monitor ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_progress_monitor() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_progress_monitor ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_properties() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_properties ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_properties() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_properties ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_stopwatch() [1/2]

void cadabra::init_stopwatch ( py::module &  m)

◆ init_stopwatch() [2/2]

void cadabra::init_stopwatch ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ init_tableau()

void cadabra::init_tableau ( pybind11::module &  m)

◆ install_prefix()

std::string cadabra::install_prefix ( )

Return an absolute path to the installation path.

This is determined at runtime, to allow for binary distributions to be installed at any location. Note that this cannot be used if the binary running the code was a python interpreter. In that case, use method install_prefix_of_module and take the appropriate parent of that.

◆ install_prefix_of_module()

std::string cadabra::install_prefix_of_module ( )

Get the installation prefix of the binary cadabra2 module, typically something like /usr/lib/pythonX.YY/site-packages/.

◆ ipynb2cnb()

nlohmann::json cadabra::ipynb2cnb ( const nlohmann::json &  root)

Replace all occurrences of a substring in the original string.

Convert the JSON of a Jupyter notebook (with Cadabra contents) to the JSON of a Cadabra notebook.

◆ is_coordinate()

bool cadabra::is_coordinate ( const Kernel kernel,
Ex::iterator  it 

◆ is_in()

template<typename T >
bool cadabra::is_in ( const T val,
const std::initializer_list< T > &  list 

◆ is_index()

bool cadabra::is_index ( const Kernel kernel,
Ex::iterator  it,
bool  include_coordinates 

◆ is_python_code_complete()

int cadabra::is_python_code_complete ( const std::string &  code,
std::string &  error 

Test whether a block of Python code is complete or requires more input lines.

This uses codeop.compile_command. 1: complete 0: incomplete -1: indentation error, need backtracking -2: overcomplete

◆ JSON_deserialise()

void cadabra::JSON_deserialise ( const std::string &  cj,
DTree doc 

Load a document from .cnb format, i.e. the inverse of the above.

◆ JSON_in_recurse()

void cadabra::JSON_in_recurse ( DTree doc,
DTree::iterator  loc,
const nlohmann::json &  cells 

◆ JSON_recurse()

void cadabra::JSON_recurse ( const DTree doc,
DTree::iterator  it,
nlohmann::json &  json 

◆ JSON_serialise()

std::string cadabra::JSON_serialise ( const DTree doc)

Serialise a document into .cj format, which is a JSON version of the document tree.

◆ kernel_configure_warnings()

void cadabra::kernel_configure_warnings ( Kernel kernel,
pybind11::kwargs  kwargs 

◆ LaTeX_recurse()

void cadabra::LaTeX_recurse ( const DTree doc,
DTree::iterator  it,
std::ostringstream &  str,
const std::string &  preamble_string,
const std::string &  image_file_base,
int image_num,
bool  for_embedding 

◆ latex_to_html()

std::string cadabra::latex_to_html ( const std::string &  str)

Convert various LaTeX constructions to HTML-with-Mathjax, e.g.

\section{...}, \begin{verbatim}...\end{verbatim}, \verb.

◆ lhs()

cadabra::Ex cadabra::lhs ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ list_properties()

pybind11::list cadabra::list_properties ( )

◆ map_sympy_wrapper()

Ex_ptr cadabra::map_sympy_wrapper ( Ex_ptr  ex,
std::string  head,
pybind11::args  args 

◆ one()

void cadabra::one ( rset_t::iterator &  num)

◆ operator&()

◆ operator&=()

HashFlags & cadabra::operator&= ( HashFlags lhs,
HashFlags  rhs 

◆ operator*()

◆ operator+()

◆ operator<()

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & cadabra::operator<< ( std::ostream &  str,
const NTensor nt 

◆ operator|()

◆ operator|=()

HashFlags & cadabra::operator|= ( HashFlags lhs,
HashFlags  rhs 

◆ operator~()

HashFlags cadabra::operator~ ( HashFlags  flags)

◆ pre_clean_dispatch()

void cadabra::pre_clean_dispatch ( const Kernel kernel,
Ex ex,
Ex::iterator &  it 

◆ pre_clean_dispatch_deep()

void cadabra::pre_clean_dispatch_deep ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr 

◆ print_tree()

std::string cadabra::print_tree ( Ex ex)

◆ ProgressMonitor_totals_helper()

pybind11::list cadabra::ProgressMonitor_totals_helper ( ProgressMonitor self)

◆ push_down_multiplier()

bool cadabra::push_down_multiplier ( const Kernel k,
Ex tr,
Ex::iterator  it 

Given a node with a non-unit multiplier, push this multiplier down the tree if the node is not allowed to have a non-unit multiplier.

This is a recursive procedure as the node onto which the multiplier gets pushed may itself not allow for a non-unit multiplier. Note that some nodes disallow non-unit multipliers on their children, but that should be handled individually (see cleanup of product nodes for an example).


cadabra::PYBIND11_MODULE ( cadabra2  ,

◆ python_recurse()

void cadabra::python_recurse ( const DTree doc,
DTree::iterator  it,
std::ostringstream &  str 

◆ read_manual()

std::string cadabra::read_manual ( pybind11::module &  m,
const char category,
const char name 

Return the manual page for the category ("property"/"algorithm") and given name.

◆ remove_variable_assignments()

std::string cadabra::remove_variable_assignments ( const std::string &  code,
const std::string &  variable 

Given a piece of Python code, remove all lines which assign a value to the given variable.

Return the modified code.

◆ replace_all()

std::string cadabra::replace_all ( std::string const original,
std::string const from,
std::string const to 

Replace all occurrances of 'from' with 'to', return result (does not replace in-place).

◆ rhs()

cadabra::Ex cadabra::rhs ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ scope_has() [1/2]

bool cadabra::scope_has ( const py::dict &  dict,
const std::string &  obj 

◆ scope_has() [2/2]

bool cadabra::scope_has ( const pybind11::dict &  dict,
const std::string &  obj 

Determine whether the given python scope contains a variable with the given name.

◆ set()

void cadabra::set ( rset_t::iterator &  num,
multiplier_t  fac 

◆ subtree_equal()

bool cadabra::subtree_equal ( const Properties properties,
Ex::iterator  one,
Ex::iterator  two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier 

◆ subtree_exact_equal()

bool cadabra::subtree_exact_equal ( const Properties properties,
Ex::iterator  one,
Ex::iterator  two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier,
bool  literal_wildcards 

◆ subtree_exact_less()

bool cadabra::subtree_exact_less ( const Properties properties,
Ex::iterator  one,
Ex::iterator  two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier,
bool  literal_wildcards 

◆ subtree_less()

bool cadabra::subtree_less ( const Properties properties,
Ex::iterator  one,
Ex::iterator  two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier 

◆ SympyBridge_init()

std::shared_ptr< sympy::SympyBridge > cadabra::SympyBridge_init ( std::shared_ptr< Ex ex)

◆ tab_str()

std::string cadabra::tab_str ( const tab_t tab)

◆ terms()

pybind11::list cadabra::terms ( Ex_ptr  ex)

◆ to_double()

double cadabra::to_double ( multiplier_t  mul)

◆ to_long()

long cadabra::to_long ( multiplier_t  mul)

◆ to_string()

std::string cadabra::to_string ( long  num)

◆ tree_equal()

bool cadabra::tree_equal ( const Properties properties,
const Ex one,
const Ex two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier 

◆ tree_exact_equal()

bool cadabra::tree_exact_equal ( const Properties properties,
const Ex one,
const Ex two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier,
bool  literal_wildcards 

◆ tree_exact_less()

bool cadabra::tree_exact_less ( const Properties properties,
const Ex one,
const Ex two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier,
bool  literal_wildcards 

◆ tree_less()

bool cadabra::tree_less ( const Properties properties,
const Ex one,
const Ex two,
int  mod_prel,
bool  checksets,
int  compare_multiplier 

Various comparison functions, some exact, some with pattern logic.

◆ unichar()

const char * cadabra::unichar ( kunichar  c)

◆ variables_in_code()

bool cadabra::variables_in_code ( const std::string &  code,
std::set< std::string > &  variables 

Fill a set with all variables references in the given piece of Python code.

This needs to be proper Python, not a mixture of Python and Cadabra input which still needs to be pre-processed.

◆ variables_to_pull_in()

bool cadabra::variables_to_pull_in ( const std::string &  code,
std::set< std::string > &  variables 

Fill a set with all variables references inside of Cadabra pull-in constructions, that is, constructions of the form "@(var)".

This just does regex matching, no Python AST walking (we cannot, as this pull-in logic only happens when a string gets parsed into a Cadabra Ex, but that's all inside Ex, not visible to the server that runs the code.

◆ zero()

void cadabra::zero ( rset_t::iterator &  num)

Variable Documentation

◆ name_set

nset_t cadabra::name_set

◆ post_process_enabled

bool cadabra::post_process_enabled = true

◆ rat_set

rset_t cadabra::rat_set