void | cadabra::cleanup_dispatch (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it) |
| Central cleanup dispatch routine, which calls the other cleanup functions defined later.
void | cadabra::cleanup_dispatch_deep (const Kernel &k, Ex &, dispatcher_t disp=&cleanup_dispatch) |
| More general cleanup of an entire tree.
void | cadabra::cleanup_dispatch_deep (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &, dispatcher_t dispatch) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_fraclike (const Kernel &k, Ex &, Ex::iterator &it) |
| Individual node cleanup routines.
bool | cadabra::cleanup_powlike (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_productlike (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_sumlike (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_derivative (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_partialderivative (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_components (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_numericalflat (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_diagonal (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_kronecker (const Kernel &, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_exterior_derivative (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_comma (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::cleanup_tie (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator &it) |
bool | cadabra::push_down_multiplier (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it) |
| Given a node with a non-unit multiplier, push this multiplier down the tree if the node is not allowed to have a non-unit multiplier.
void | cadabra::check_index_consistency (const Kernel &k, Ex &tr, Ex::iterator it) |
| Generic tool to check for index inconsistencies independent of running any algorithm.