Computer algebra system for field theory problems
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Namespaces | Classes

Module Description

Containing all algorithms acting on symbolic expression trees.


namespace  cadabra
 Functions to handle the exchange properties of two or more symbols in a product.


class  cadabra::canonicalise
 Canonicalise the index structure of a tensorial expression. More...
class  cadabra::collect_components
 Collect \components terms inside a sum, merging their substitution rules. More...
class  cadabra::collect_factors
 Collect symbolically equal factors in a product. More...
class  cadabra::collect_terms
 Collect symbolically equal terms in a sum. More...
class  cadabra::complete
 Complete a set of coordinate rules so that they also cover related tensors. More...
class  cadabra::decompose_product
 Decompose a product of tensors by applying Young projectors. More...
class  cadabra::distribute
 Distribute factors over a sum, that is, \( (A+B) C \rightarrow A C + B C \). More...
class  cadabra::einsteinify
class  cadabra::factor_in
class  cadabra::factor_out
class  cadabra::integrate_by_parts
 Integrate by parts away from the indicated derivative object. More...
class  cadabra::map_mma
 Functionality to act with Mathematica on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place. More...
class  cadabra::map_sympy
 Functionality to act with Sympy on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place. More...
class  cadabra::simplify
 General purpose brute force scalar simplification algorithm. More...
class  cadabra::split
 Split an expression into terms or factors. More...
class  cadabra::substitute
 Generic substitution algorithm. More...
class  cadabra::vary
 Generic variational derivative algorithm. More...