All questions about using Cadabra can be posted on the Cadabra Q&A forum. The forum accepts LaTeX formulas and is fully searchable. If you feel your question is not ready for public consumption, please email me at
Frequently asked questions
If you have a question, please first consult the list of frequently asked questions; yours may be on it already.
The Cadabra book
This book is the place to go for a detailed specification of how Cadabra works. You can browse it online or download the lot as a single PDF file by clicking on the book cover. If you prefer to learn by example, you are better off with the tutorials. Also don't forget to have a look at Leo Brewin's excellent introductory papers on Cadabra.
For detailed information on how to write Cadabra algorithms (in Python or C++), please consult Writing Algorithms in Cadabra2 by Dominic Price.
The guide below a translation of the one for Cadabra 1.x, and still work-in-progress.
- The input format
- Basics about the input format
- Printing expressions
- Object properties and declaration
- Indices, dummy indices and automatic index renaming
- Exponents, indices and labels
- Spacing and brackets
- Implicit versus explicit indices
- Index brackets
- Mathematical properties
- Derivatives and implicit dependence on coordinates
- Accents
- Symbol ordering and commutation properties
- Anti-commuting objects and derivatives
- Manipulating expressions
- Writing your own packages
- Programming in Cadabra
- Startup and program options, environment variables
- Using Cadabra directly from C++
Old reference guide
An extensive reference guide of version 1.x of the program, with a description of the input language, the algorithms and technical details on how to extend it by adding new C++ modules, is available as
preprint AEI-2006-038last version: November 2nd, 2012
Go here if the new 2.x reference manual above does not yet have the information you need.