Indices, dummy indices and automatic index renaming
In Cadabra, all objects which occur as subscripts or superscripts are considered to be "indices". The names of indices are understood to be irrelevant when they occur in a pair, and automatic relabelling will take place whenever necessary in order to avoid index clashes. Cadabra knows about the differences between free and dummy indices. It checks the input for consistency and displays a warning when the index structure does not make sense. Thus, the inputex:= A_{m n} + B_{m} = 0;
will result in an error message.
The location of indices is, by default, not considered to be
relevant. That is, you can write
{m, n}::Indices(name="free");
ex:=A_{m} + A^{m};|
Attached property Indices(position=free) to [m,n].
A_{m} + A^{m}
as input and these are considered to be consistent expressions. You can collect such terms
by using
or raise_free_indices
however, the position of an index means something (like in general
relativity, where index lowering and raising implies contraction with
a metric), then you can declare index positions to be "fixed". This
is done using
{a,b,c,d,e,f}::Indices(name="fixed", position=fixed);
Attached property Indices(position=fixed) to [a,b,c,d,e,f].
Cadabra will raise or lower indices on such expressions to a canonical form when the
algorithm is used,ex:= G_{a b} F^{a b} + G^{a b} F_{a b};
G_{a b} F^{a b} + G^{a b} F_{a b}
2G^{a b} F_{a b}
If upper and lower indices should remain untouched at all times, there is a third index position type,
called 'independent',
{q,r,s}::Indices(name="independent", position=independent);
ex:= G_{q r} F^{q r} + G^{q r} F_{q r};
Attached property Indices(position=independent) to [q,r,s].
G_{q r} F^{q r} + G^{q r} F_{q r}
G_{q r} F^{q r} + G^{q r} F_{q r}
As the last line shows, the index positions have remained unchanged.
When substituting an expression into another one, dummy indices will
automatically be relabelled when necessary. To see this in action,
consider the following example:
ex:= G_{a b} Q;
rl:= Q-> F_{a b} F^{a b};
substitute(ex, rl);
G_{a b} Q
Q → F_{a b} F^{a b}
G_{a b} F_{c d} F^{c d}
The a and b indices have automatically been relabelled to c and d
in order to avoid a conflict with the free indices on the Gab object.
Cadabra figured out that it could use these names as we attached a-f to
the same
list property a few cells ago. If you do not declare
such an index sets, Cadabra will complain that it does not know how to relabel
dummy indices.You may have noticed that when you write
T_{a b}
the 'a b
' in the subscript is
not interpreted as a product, but rather as two different indices to the tensor T. If you really
do want to write a product inside a sub- or super-script, you need to write a multiplication '*'