Symbol ordering and commutation properties
A conventional way to sort factors in a product is to use lexographical ordering. However, this is almost never what one wants when transcribing a physics problem to the computer. Therefore, Cadabra allows you to specify the sort order of symbols yourself. This is done by associating theSortOrder
list property to a list of
symbols, as in{X,G,Y,A,B}::SortOrder.
ex:= A*B*G*X*A*X:
More complicated objects with indices are of course also allowed, such
as in
{ W_{m n}, W_{m} }::SortOrder;
ex:= W_{m n} W_{p} W_{q r} W_{s} W_{t}:
Property SortOrder attached to [Wmn,Wm].
W_{m n} W_{q r} W_{p} W_{s} W_{t}
It is not allowed to have more than one such set
contain the same symbol. Thus,
Property SortOrder attached to [X,G].
Property SortOrder attached to [X,A,B].
is not allowed (and will, in fact, take X out of the first list).
ex:= A*B*G*X:
Apart from the preferred sort order, there are more properties which
influence the way in which products can be sorted. In particular, sort
order is influenced by whether symbols commute or anti-commute with
each other. Physicists in general use a very implicit notation as far
as commutativity of objects in a product is concerned. Consider for
instance a situation in which we deal with two operators ˆM and
ˆN, as well as some constants q and p. These two expressions
are equivalent:
But this is not obvious from the notation that has been used to
indicate the product. In fact, the product symbol is usually left out
In many other computer algebra systems, you have to introduce special
types of "non-commuting" products (e.g. the
operator in
Maple or the **
operator in Mathematica). This can be rather
cumbersome, for a variety of reasons. The main reason, however, is
that it does not match with what you do on paper. On paper, you never
write special product symbols for objects which do not commute. You
just string them together, and know from the properties of the symbols
whether objects can be moved through each other or not.
In order to make these sort of things possible in Cadabra, it is
necessary to declare "sets" of objects which mutually do not commute
(i.e. for which the order inside a product cannot be changed without
consequences) but which commute with objects of other sets. Many
computer algebra systems only use one such set: objects are either
"commuting" or "non-commuting". This is often too restrictive. For
instance, when Ψ is a fermion and Γ denotes a Clifford
algebra element, a system with only one set of non-commuting objects
is unable to see that
are equivalent. In Cadabra one would simply put Ψa and
Γm in two different sets, mutually commuting, but
non-commuting among themselves. To be precise, the example above is
reproduced by
ex:= \bar{\Psi_a} (\Gamma_n \Gamma_m)_{ab} \Psi_b;
Property Accent attached to ∖bar{#}.
Property SelfNonCommuting attached to Ψa.
Property GammaMatrix attached to ∖Gamma{#}.
\bar{\Psi_{a}} \indexbracket(\Gamma_{n} \Gamma_{m})_{ab} \Psi_{b}
\bar{\Psi_{a}} \Psi_{b} \indexbracket(\Gamma_{n} \Gamma_{m})_{ab}
Commutation properties always refer to components. If you associate an
property to an object, then it will never
commute with itself or with any other such object. You can see this in
the example above, as the prodsort
command kept the
order of the two gamma matrices unchanged.