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First thank you Dominic Price for porting Cadabra to Windows and Kasper for writing Cadabra. Second I have not been able to make it work on my Win 10 64bit machine yet. This is what I did: Installed latest MikTex, replacing an older version. It is working fine Installed Anaconda 3 .It is working fine (1+1=2 using several editors). Downloaded Cadabra 2.2.0 and Cadabra 2.2.1 from this site.

Cadabra 2.2.1 installs fine , but as soon as I load beginners.cnd I get a generic TeX error dialog box, with no further explanation. Same thing as soon as I try to evaluate any cell that I write.

Cadabra 2.2.0 does not even install. It stops during installation saying sqlite3.dll is missing.

Any suggestions? Alessandro

in Installation trouble by (540 points)
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I just noticed (after 3 days!) that a very simlar post has been written in early May. I get exactly the same kind of error (general tex error) that anr94 reported. A wild guess...Is it perhaps that cadabra cannot find the TeX distribution? Perhaps it is looking in the wrong folder? If Cadabra is working on some windows machines , what do all these machines have in common? same language in the OS? I use Win 10 64bits release 1803 in Italian

Windows 10 (beta) : cadabra2 installed with cadabra2-2.2.1d-installer starts and vanishes after a few Seconds Windows-Host-Process visible in Task-Manager

In which path did you install cadabra2? Did you get a dialog from windows firewall asking you to give cadabra-server permission to talk to the world?

Install path was: C:\Program Files\Cadabra2\bin There was no dialog from windows firewall asking to give cadabra-server permission "to talk to the world". But i remember that the installer was blocked and had explicitly to be unblocked.

Neither execution under admin or writing permission helped.

Can you try to uninstall from there (or just remove the C:\Program Files\Cadabra2 folder), and then do a re-install into C:\Cadabra ? That's where the software gets built on my machine; I just want to see if that path is still somehow hardcoded somewhere (it shouldn't be, but we may have missed something).

The fact that you did not get a dialog from the firewall means that cadabra-server never started, and if that happens the notebook interface will shut down automatically (which is what you observed).

I used C:\Cadabra for installation, but same behavior yet.

11 p.m. here - continue on Friday ...

I started the server explicitly before Cadabra - now it seems to work ...

schwarzschild.cnb works - Friday i will try 5 dimensions (Kaluza-Space).

How did you start cadabra2-gtk?

... by double-click (there is an entry in Start menu and an option "view directory". There is a link saying target: C:\Cadabra\bin\cadabra2-gtk.exe, execute in C:\Cadabra\bin) In the moment i am not able to reproduce the working Cadabra. cadabra-server vanishes after 1-2 seconds.

Start from a freshly booted machine (to ensure there are no stray cadabra-server processes hanging around). Open a command line window, navigate to the bin directory with

cd C:\Cadabra\bin

and execute


Then let me know what that does.

Thanks for your patience.

thx also

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.228] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\D_Hoy>cd \

C:>cd cadabra

C:\Cadabra>cd bin



... didn't change behavior

(deactivated speech recognition, could have "occupied" input fields) (Cortana starts again after stopp it's processes)

I used process explorer to get an idea what's going on in Windows 10. The proceses of Cadabra became red aifter 2 seconds and vanished. After that "runDDL32.exe" was visible in red for a second, which surprised me, because i thought i was running a 64-bit version. I realized, that i installed the first version named before anaconda python and that was 32-bit. I deinstalled Python 3.7.0 and installed Anaconda 3.6 for Windows. The Firewall asked for permission and now it seems to work ...

Ah, very good, thanks for getting to the bottom of this.

Text from installer:

Before installing Cadabra2, you must make sure that the following prerequisites are satisfied:

  • A working Python installation You must have python3 installed on your system with the sympy package available. Python can be downloaded from https://www.python.org/downloads/ and sympy is installed by executing the command ‘python -m pip install sympy –-user’. Alternatively, use an Anaconda Python installation, available from https://www.anaconda.com/download/ .
  • A working LaTeX distribution MixTex is recommended and can be downloaded from https://miktex.org/download - this is the largest dependency.

Better only mention Anaconda Python ?

Yes, we didn't quite understand the mess that the Python ecosystem is in when it comes to incompatibilities. It should mention that you absolutely need a 64-bit Anaconda Python.

3 Answers

0 votes

Please try the 2.2.1d installer which is now available, and let me know if that's any better.

by (84.7k points)

This does indicate a PYTHONPATH or PYTHONHOME issue, but that's where my understanding of this ends. The cadabra-server binary sets these to /Users/abc/Anaconda3 (where abc is your user name) plus anything they already contain. Where is Anaconda installed for you?

Installed Anaconda @ D:\Programme\Anaconda3 binary sets are @ C:\Users\user\ There is ".anaconda\", ".conda", ".ipython", ".jupyter" and ".spyder-py3" as far as I recognized stuff from Python (as I have not worked before with that)

If Anaconda is in D:\Programme\Anaconda3, set PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH to that directory.

Hello kasper,

got now time to get it running. Installation works now :) Used standard Python (not Anaconda) without any specific patch settings and the "Debug" instead of "RelWithDebInfo" option (as you said).

Thx again for your quick answers.

The current github master branch also builds with RelWithDebInfo again on Windows.

0 votes

There is a new 2.2.7f installer at


Can anyone who had trouble previously please give that one a shot? It should be able to detect anaconda/miniconda installed in weird places, and should also take care of installing missing DLLs automatically.

All feedback is welcome!

by (84.7k points)
0 votes

I have updated the Windows installer to Cadabra 2.3.5. All feedback is welcome; I would like to make the windows version part of the regular release process, but that requires that we have a sufficient number of machines on which it is tested.

Download from https://cadabra.science/packages/windows/ .

by (84.7k points)