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0 votes

Greetings good folk,

I just updated/upgraded HomeBrew on my Mac Silicon and now Cadabra fails to compile. I did a bit of digging and it seems that in moving from version 1.85 to 1.87 Boost has removed the asio::io_service stuff. It seems that this was marked as deprcated for some time but now they've pulled the pin.

I know next to nothing about C++ so I'm afraid I can't offer any fix. I did find a short discussion on stackoverflow here


The errors pop up mostly in this file


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news in this festive season (:

Cheers, Leo

ago in Installation trouble by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I just fixed this on the devel branch today. It needs a little bit more tweaking and will then make this 2.5.10.

If you are courageous you can try uninstalling cadabra2 and installing cadabra2-devel instead. It may work for you. Or wait another day or two.

ago by (83.1k points)

Hi Kasper, Thanks for the quick reply, very helpful. I did try rc-2 (I'm assuming that is the devel branch) but I got the same errors. This is how I got rc2 code

git clone https://github.com/kpeeters/cadabra2
cd cadabra2
git checkout f68fd53


I not fluent in Git so maybe I checked out the old branch. In any case I'm happy to wait a few days for the new version to arrive.

Cheers, Leo
