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+1 vote

Greetings good folk,

I just updated/upgraded HomeBrew on my Mac Silicon and now Cadabra fails to compile. I did a bit of digging and it seems that in moving from version 1.85 to 1.87 Boost has removed the asio::io_service stuff. It seems that this was marked as deprcated for some time but now they've pulled the pin.

I know next to nothing about C++ so I'm afraid I can't offer any fix. I did find a short discussion on stackoverflow here


The errors pop up mostly in this file


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news in this festive season (:

Cheers, Leo

in Installation trouble by (1.9k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

2.5.10 is now available via homebrew; please try and let me know if there are any more issues.

by (84.8k points)
selected by

Hi Kasper, Wow, a lovely Xmas preset! I'll unwrap it now...

Some moments later ...

Yes, it works! Yahoo.

Please thank the Xmas Elves for working so hard over Xmas. Time to sit back, relax and enjoy.

Cheers, Leo

I have been compared to many things in my life, but not yet to an Xmas Elf...

Xmas Elves: Hard working, industrious, helpful, courteous and probably under paid.

And very much appreciated by end users :)

+1 vote

I just fixed this on the devel branch today. It needs a little bit more tweaking and will then make this 2.5.10.

If you are courageous you can try uninstalling cadabra2 and installing cadabra2-devel instead. It may work for you. Or wait another day or two.

by (84.8k points)

Hi Kasper, Thanks for the quick reply, very helpful. I did try rc-2 (I'm assuming that is the devel branch) but I got the same errors. This is how I got rc2 code

git clone https://github.com/kpeeters/cadabra2
cd cadabra2
git checkout f68fd53


I not fluent in Git so maybe I checked out the old branch. In any case I'm happy to wait a few days for the new version to arrive.

Cheers, Leo
