Core general relativity package, mainly a library of various standard expressions.
Importing this library will make \partial
a partial derivative and will also declare the
greek indices to be space-time indices.\partial{#}::PartialDerivative;
{\mu,\nu,\rho,\sigma,\kappa,\gamma,\lambda}::Indices(spacetime, position=fixed);
Attached property PartialDerivative to ∂#.
Attached property Indices(position=fixed) to [μ,ν,ρ,σ,κ,γ,λ].
riemann_from_christoffel(R: Ex, c: Ex) -> Ex
Generates an equality which determines the Riemann tensor in terms of the Christoffel symbols.
christoffel_from_metric(c: Ex, g: Ex) -> Ex
Generates an equality which determines the Christoffel symbols in terms of the metric.
Convert contractions of Riemann tensors to Ricci tensors or scalars.
ex:= R^{a}_{b c a} - R^{a}_{b a c};
R^{a}_{b c a}-R^{a}_{b a c}
-2R_{b c}