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kasper 80.4k doxdrum 13.7k eureka 2.1k gpn 2.0k LeoBrewin 1.6k Arina 1.4k vnikoofard 1.1k dbutter 1.0k jsem 740 yutasekiguchi 700 anupam1031 650 Sitender 560 magma 540 mossman 520 dominicprice 460 verbovet 450 Mattia_Physics 410 Herb 400 amnon.willinger 380 konrad 340 Ari 320 Andrei 320 andreas 320 leastaction 320 strangerep 300 Karim 300 Archimedes 300 partha 300 OmerG. 270 Aleksander 270