Basic definitions
{\mu,\nu,\rho,\tau,\sigma,\lambda,\alpha,\beta,\tau,\gamma}::Indices(values={t,r,\theta,\phi}, position=fixed).
Metric definition
g := { g_{t t} = -exp(F(r)),
g_{r r} = exp(G(r)),
g_{\theta\theta} = r**2,
g_{\phi\phi}=r**2 \sin(\theta)**2
complete(g, $g^{\mu\nu}$);
Christofel f second kind
Christoffel2nd := \Gamma^{\tau}_{\mu\nu} = 1/2 g^{\tau\rho} (
+ \partial_{\nu}{g_{\mu\rho}}
- \partial_{\rho}{g_{\mu\nu}}
evaluate(Christoffel2nd, g, rhsonly=True);
Rieman tensor
Riemann := R^{\rho}_{\mu\tau\nu} = \partial_{\tau}{\Gamma^{\rho}_{\nu\mu}}
- \partial_{\nu}{\Gamma^{\rho}_{\tau\mu}}
+ \Gamma^{\rho}_{\tau\sigma}\Gamma^{\sigma}_{\nu\mu}
- \Gamma^{\rho}_{\nu\sigma}\Gamma^{\sigma}_{\tau\mu}.
substitute( Riemann, Christoffel2nd)
lRieman := R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} = g_{\sigma\alpha}R^{\sigma}_{\beta\mu\nu};
substitute( lRieman, Riemann)
evaluate( lRieman, g, rhsonly=True )
Ricci tensor and scalar
RicciT := R_{\mu\nu} = g^{\alpha\beta} R_{\beta\mu\alpha\nu};
substitute( RicciT, lRieman)
evaluate( RicciT, g, rhsonly=True );
RicciS := R = g^{\mu\nu}R_{\mu\nu};
substitute( RicciS, RicciT )
evaluate( RicciS, g, rhsonly=True );
Einstein tensor
Einstein := G_{\mu\nu} = R_{\mu\nu} - 1/2 g_{\mu\nu} R;
substitute( Einstein, RicciT )
substitute( Einstein, RicciS )
evaluate( Einstein, g, rhsonly=True);
The F and G dependecies is working sometime as it is, sometimes I need to place explicitly argument of r in the functions F(r) and G(r) instead only F and G in the metric definition
If metric is written with e**{F} not exp(F), it produces strange log(e) but this seems to happen because of sympy
Ricc tensor, the phi phi and theta theta components are fine, but there is additional 6r^-2 term in the rr component, tt seems fine. In both cases the numerical coefficients seem oddlu off some even multiple
The ricci scalar has some 5r\partial_r G(r), and whit this "5" in front of it seems very off.
In some cases the Einstein tensor is evaluated in some cases it is failing with, some SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character (, line ) and tracebacks it to python3.6 eval_expr and parse_exprr. Very odd. since it happens when I change some of the expresions in the metric and nothing on Cadabra code
Those problems remain despite restarting kernele and ec.t
I am using version 2.2.0 build private date 2018-08-07, which is from
Components of the tensors