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+1 vote
 f^{a b c}::AntiSymmetric.
 S:= -1/4 \int{ F^{i}_{\mu \nu} F^{i \mu \nu} }{x};
 rl:= F^{a}_{\mu \nu}  -> \partial_{\mu}{A^{a}_{\nu}} - \partial_{\nu}{A^{a}_{\mu}} + g f^{a b c} A^{b}_{\mu} A^{c}_{\nu};
 substitute(S, rl);

After I make the substitution, the dummy indices will appear more than twice in the expression and after the


It will raise an error that triple index b inside a single factor found.

in General questions by (140 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

This works if you substitute in just the integrand, so it's a bug related to the recently introduced \int operator. Will fix, thanks for letting me know.

by (84.7k points)

Thank you! And some algorithms such as eliminate metric are not available in the second edition. I hope that it will be added in the future. Your work is so exciting!

This is now fixed. The 'eliminate_metric' will be added soon.
