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+1 vote

On my system, c++lib fails to compile properly. I needed to add the line ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../core/properties/DerivativeOp.cc and also explicitly add the python include path, i.e. include_directories(/usr/include/python3.10)

I'm not sending a fix because my Python include is obviously system-dependent; probably there is a correct way to do this.

in Bug reports by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Thanks! I have pushed changes for this to the devel branch, and have also added it to the CI pipeline so the c++lib build process is tested on every commit; hopefully that will prevent this from getting out of sync again.

There are not many people that I am aware of who use Cadabra's c++lib. Care to say a few words about what you are trying to do with it?

by (84.8k points)

Literally nothing interesting. I've only used it so far when I want to understand better how the C++ internals work: then I write a tiny program and debug it in gdb/VSCode to understand the structure better.

For example, I was recently using it to understand better how properties are stored in the kernel. I'm toying with trying to add additional functionality to properties (e.g. removing them). I'll separately write you about some other things I'm doing.

2.5.10 is now available from the master branch, and fixes this build issue.
