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+1 vote

I am not sure when this started as far as what was upgraded. In Jupyterlab all output is showing as latex statements inside $$s and not rendering.

If I copy the output and paste it into a markdown cell it renders correctly.

I.E. {\mu,\nu,\rho}::Indices(position=free). x::Coordinate. \partial{#}::Derivative.

F{\mu\nu}::AntiSymmetric; F{\mu\nu}::Depends(x). A_{\mu}::Depends(x,\partial{#}). \delta{#}::Accent;

Output: ${}\text{Property Accent attached to}\delta{#}.$

Input: S:= -1/4 \int{ F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu} }{x};

Output: ${} - \frac{1}{4}\int F^{\mu \nu} F_{\mu \nu}\,\,{\rm d}x$

If I view the file in Jupyter notebook the code renders correctly.

?? Thanks, ChuckW

When I posted this the 2nd example output rendered correctly in the post but not in Jupyterlab?

in Installation trouble by (230 points)

I don't typically test with JupyterLab (the Cadabra cloud service runs plain old Jupyter notebooks). I can have a look but maybe someone else who uses this more often can chip in.

Thanks for your reply. I have discovered that if I collapse the output and then reexpand it, it then renders correctly. This is a big pain but at least I can see the output clearly.

I've been debating trying to reinstall Jupyterlab or revert my environment to a few weeks ago. I wish I could be more specific about what changed on my system when this started happening.

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