As the title says, kernel crashes when running the code below as a cadabra notebook (.cnb) (specifically, when running the substitute algorithm)
viel := {
ei^{t}_{t} = Q / (f**2 - Q**2)
substitute(viel, $ f = (Q**2 - \alpha / r**4 )**(1/2) $);
Running it as a .cdb file in a terminal, the error given is "realloc(): Invalid old size".
Here is a variation of the code where it still crashes:
viel := {
ei^{t}_{t} = Q / (f - Q**2)
substitute(viel, $ f = (Q**2 - \alpha / r**4 ) $);
The code doesn't crash, however, if I factorize a minus sign in the denominator, as in
viel := {
ei^{t}_{t} = - Q / (Q**2 - f**2)
substitute(viel, $ f = (Q**2 - \alpha / r**4 )**(1/2) $);
or if I pass the numerator to the denominator
viel := {
ei^{t}_{t} = 1 / ( (f**2 - Q**2) / Q )
substitute(viel, $ f = (Q**2 - \alpha / r**4 )**(1/2) $);