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0 votes


When I installed cadabra 2.2.7 in win10, I met following errors:

-- Downloading http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/atkmm/2.24/atkmm- 
 CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:96 (message):

 File does not have expected hash:

     File path: [ D:/ProgramData/Vcpkg/vcpkg/downloads/temp/atkmm-2.24.2.tar.xz ]
     Expected hash: [ 427714cdf3b10e3f9bc36df09c4b05608d295f5895fb1e079
       df4ee63c515071a2ea6e3e51e672cdbe2 ]
    Actual hash: [ 2edac66538c334ec6957e2a518d0a714c60
       13d520071a8ec292c93550176218ab7e195a52078f888 ]

    The file may have been corrupted in transit.  This can be caused by
    proxies.  If you use a proxy, please set the HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY
    environment variables to

   Call Stack (most recent call first):
   scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:179 (test_hash)
   ports/atkmm/portfile.cmake:6 (vcpkg_download_distfile)
   scripts/ports.cmake:85 (include)

  Error: Building package atkmm:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED
 Please ensure you're using the latest portfiles with `.\vcpkg update`, then
 submit an issue at https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/issues including:
 Package: atkmm:x64-windows
 Vcpkg version: 2019.08.27-nohash

Additionally, attach any relevant sections from the log files above.

When I downloaded it from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/atkmm/2.24/atkmm-2.24.2.tar.xz and put it to folder "downloads", following errors come up

  Starting package 1/4: atkmm:x64-windows
  Building package atkmm[core]:x64-windows...
  -- Using cached D:/ProgramData/Vcpkg/vcpkg/downloads/atkmm-2.24.2.tar.xz
   CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:96 (message):

   File does not have expected hash:

   File path: [ D:/ProgramData/Vcpkg/vcpkg/downloads/atkmm-2.24.2.tar.xz ]
  Expected hash: [ 427714cdf3b10e3f9bc36df09c4b05608d295f5895fb1e079b9bd84afdf7bf1cfdec6794ced7f1e35bd430b76f87792df4ee63c515071a2ea6e3e51e672cdbe2 ]
    Actual hash: [ 9d59ccad0c4f1bfce55a30b9f56c2eb8c9333cb6548e35052169b1558db1eaada30831424edeed1d46968b40068348a3d7e91168f519513317b1f7b9e04a7fc9 ]

 Please delete the file and retry if this file should be downloaded again.

 Call Stack (most recent call first):
 scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:107 (test_hash)
 ports/atkmm/portfile.cmake:6 (vcpkg_download_distfile)
 scripts/ports.cmake:85 (include)

  Error: Building package atkmm:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED
 Please ensure you're using the latest portfiles with `.\vcpkg update`, then
 submit an issue at https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/issues including:
 Package: atkmm:x64-windows
 Vcpkg version: 2019.08.27-nohash

How to solve it?

in Installation trouble by (2.2k points)
edited by

You seem to be compiling from source, right? Before we take this further, have you tried doing vcpkg update to ensure that you have the latest vcpkg packages on your system?

Yes, I am building from source. I have done vcpkg update, but the problem is still unsolved.

Well it's obviously a vcpkg issue; that error has nothing to do with cadabra. I know that gtkmm was broken (hence I couldn't build new windows binaries for some time now), but now they probably tried to fix that and messed up related things too. For a Microsoft product it's probably to be expected that none of this really works... There isn't much I can do at this stage, but you may want to report it directly to their vcpkg issue tracker.

Fine then. When will the Jupyter version be OK?I have been waiting it.

You can build the Jupyter kernel already, see the instructions at https://github.com/kpeeters/cadabra2/blob/master/JUPYTER.rst (only tested on Linux though). Alternatively, you can use the Cadabra cloud, which is Jupyter-based; I have given you access and sent details in an email.

2 Answers

0 votes

There is a new 2.2.7f installer which fixes a number of issues with previous windows installers. If you are still having problems with the old installer, can you please give this new one a shot? It is at


by (82.5k points)

It still doesn't work.

Where is your anaconda installed?

After reinstalled anaconda, cadabra works, but it's very slow.

That's because file I/O on windows is just horribly slow compared to proper operating systems. If you want speed, use Linux.

It seems unstable. After a while, it suddenly crashed.

Try to make that more specific please. It is impossible to help with a report like that, I really need some more details about what you were doing, and preferably a notebook which reproduces the problem.

0 votes

I have updated the Windows installer to Cadabra 2.3.5. All feedback is welcome; I would like to make the windows version part of the regular release process, but that requires that we have a sufficient number of machines on which it is tested.

Download from https://cadabra.science/packages/windows/ .

by (82.5k points)

Ok, I have sent it to you.

In win10, when I input python in CMD, I get

Python 3.8.3 (default, Jul  2 2020, 17:30:36) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

and the shell switches to python 3, so I guess the path PYTHONPATH/PYTHONHOME has been added to the environment variables. In fact, I do have added the Anaconda's path into path environment variables.

Add -DENABLE_MATHEMATICA=OFF to the cmake command.

It works, thanks.

In the same way, the version for Windows with the latest anaconda and miktex does not work for me.
