Hello, sorry for a late reply. I get a missing package error "tableaux.sty not found". It is not in the package depository either, maybe it should be ytableau.sty? Also, the .pdf comes out empty.
The .tex file contains error messages too, such as (this is literally in the tex file):
\begin{verbatim}NameError: name 'AntiSymmetri' is not defined
\begin{verbatim}NameError: name 'Accen' is not defined
As if the last symbol of these parameters is missing every time.
The last symbol thing stopped happening by itself.
I copied tableaux.sty from Cadabra folder to the Temp folder where the .tex files are created, now both Cadabra and pdflatex give a different error message:
Argument of \brwrap has an extra }
I counted the { } parentheses in the line and it seems to be even.
EDIT2, from the example in the original post, the first line alone seems to run fine in Cadabra after adding tableaux.sty to Temp folder, it outputs the "Attached property Accent to #." message in LaTeX font.
The second line does not run and gives the \brwrap error (if I edit the .tex file and remove the FIRST \brwrap, pdflatex runs fine, but copying the second \brwrap in place of the first gives the same "} missing" error).