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0 votes


take_match after factor_in behaves in a weird way. For example

ex := A W + B W + C;
factor_in(_, $A, B$);
take_match(_, $Q?? W$);

gives the result "C" rather than (A + B) W. If I do it the other way around, ie take_match first and then factor_in I get the expected result.

Best, Andrei

in Bug reports by (320 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

It does the right thing with the current version on github. If that's what you were using, please provide a full example which shows the problem (it may be due to e.g. some property declarations for some of the symbols in the expression).

by (84.7k points)

Right. Sorry for that. I only had the version which I installed from the binary a few weeks ago. I just installed the latest version from github and works fine as you mentioned. Thanks.
