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+1 vote


The following code doesn't seem to work as I would expect (maybe I'm asking for too much :).

 term := B^{c}_{a d} A^{d} A^{e}.

 substitute (term,$A^{c} A^{b} B^{a}_{d b} -> A^{b} A^{c} C^{a}_{b d}$);

 term := B^{c}_{a d} A^{d} A^{e}.

 substitute (term,$B^{a}_{d b} A^{c} A^{b} -> A^{b} A^{c} C^{a}_{b d}$);

The first substitute commands leads to no change on term. While the second substitute does what I would expect (that is A^{d} A^{e} C^{c}_{d a}).

In Cadabra 1.16 and 1.41 both substitute commands produce the expected results. Am I missing something here?

Cheers, Leo

in Bug reports by (1.9k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Now fixed on github.

by (84.7k points)
selected by

Thanks Kasper, that solved the problem. Cheers, Leo
