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+1 vote


I am currently practicing Cadabra 2 and would like to ask a simple (and maybe stupid) question. I wrote down the following code:

ex:= \partial_{\mu}{1+f};

Then I want to evaluate ex to get \partial{\mu}{f}. How can I do that? I tried some commands but nothing did work well. Or, is there any idea to automatically get 0 when we write down \partial{\mi}{some constant} in the definition or when \partial_{\mu}{const} is evaluated on the way of calculations?

in General questions by (700 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

There is a bug with \partial_{\mu}{1} not simplifying to 0, will probably be fixed in the next few days. In principle, just doing distribute(_) should have done the job.

by (84.7k points)
+1 vote

This was fixed a while ago; if you do

ex:= \partial_{\mu}{1+f};

it now does what you expected, giving

by (84.7k points)

Thanks, Kasper!
