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0 votes

Hi Troops,

The following code returns incorrect answers. The same computation run directly through SymPy gives the expected answer t**(-2*p1/3-2*p2/3-2*p3/3)


tmp := 1 / (t**(2*p1) * t**(2*p2) * t**(2*p3))**(1/3).
map_sympy  (tmp, "simplify");

tmp := 1 / ((t**(2*p1+2*p2+2*p3)))**(1/3).
map_sympy  (tmp, "simplify");

Cheers, Leo

in Bug reports by (1.8k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

This is now fixed in the version on github. (Printing to the terminal suffered from the same problem).

by (83.1k points)
selected by

Excellent. Many thanks for the quick fix. Cheers, Leo

0 votes

The functionality which converts Cadabra expressions to Sympy ones puts brackets in the wrong place with powers of products (ouch!). Will fix.

by (83.1k points)

Thanks Kasper.
