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Hello, I'm working with Cadabra on Jupyter notebooks, specifically via JupyterHub running on a linux system. I save my work and shuts down the computer until my next session, but then when I open the notbook again I see that the results are fonw, only the code is saved. I think only once I managed to somehow save a notebook with all of the results still showing when I re-open it. I don't know how I did it.

So my questio nis how to save a Cadabra-notebook (on a jupyterhub) with all the data still in the cache, and saved even after the computer is shut down?

ago in General questions by (400 points)

I cannot reproduce that. When I save a jupyter notebook, it saves both the input cells and the output cells. When I restart the machine and then restart jupyter, and open that saved notebook, all cells are there.

Of course you will actually need to run the cells in order to get the python interpreter into the state it was before you saved (in other words, it never saves the state of python variables).

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