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I have a naive question: Where can I find instructions on keyboard shortcuts? For example, what is keyboard shortcut to comment code?

in Feature requests by (2.2k points)

1 Answer

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Hi Eureka.

The answer to your question depends whether you are using the native or the jupyter-notebook user interface.

In the native user interface the help is in the menu bar, shown to the right of the listed actions. There is no CLI to comment code lines, AFAIK.

The jupyter-notebook has many key bindings, and they are not specific to cadabra. See for example https://defkey.com/jupyter-notebook-shortcuts or https://cheatography.com/weidadeyue/cheat-sheets/jupyter-notebook/.

by (15.0k points)

I use the native user interface. It is hoped that future versions will be able to add support for the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

Hi doxdrum, I have tried jupyter-notebook, but the comment keyboard doesn't work. My jupyter's version is 7.2.0. Do you have any idea for this case?
