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+1 vote

Hi, and thanks as always for cdb.

I think I may be missing something, but I can't figure what it might be. Please consider the following two pieces of code; they only differ in that the first uses canonicalise while the second uses meld. However the second gives 0 as the result and I don't see why.

First segment of code:


{u^{\mu},v^{\mu}, \partial_{\nu}{Q??}, \partial_{\nu}{f}, \partial_{\mu\nu}{f}, e_{\nu}, f, (1/f)}::SortOrder.

ex := \partial_{μ}(e_{β}^{ν}) \partial_{ν}(f) e_{α}^{μ} +
        \partial_{μ ν}(f) e_{α}^{μ} e_{β}^{ν}
        -\partial_{μ}(e_{α}^{ν}) \partial_{ν}(f) e_{β}^{μ}
        -\partial_{μ ν}(f) e_{α}^{ν} e_{β}^{μ}.

Second segment of code:


{u^{\mu},v^{\mu}, \partial_{\nu}{Q??}, \partial_{\nu}{f}, \partial_{\mu\nu}{f}, e_{\nu}, f, (1/f)}::SortOrder.

ex := \partial_{μ}(e_{β}^{ν}) \partial_{ν}(f) e_{α}^{μ} +
        \partial_{μ ν}(f) e_{α}^{μ} e_{β}^{ν}
        -\partial_{μ}(e_{α}^{ν}) \partial_{ν}(f) e_{β}^{μ}
        -\partial_{μ ν}(f) e_{α}^{ν} e_{β}^{μ}.

Thank you


in Bug reports by (2.0k points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi GNP. I was playing with your code (thank you for sharing it!), and I noticed that the problem is not with the meld algorithm, but with the previoussort_product.

If you comment the sort_product the result of both codes is the same (and nontrivial).

Cheers, Dox.

by (15.3k points)

Hi @doxdrum

Thank you for pointing that out! I believe my code was unclear.

I have now corrected it above (edited the original question) so it is more focused. I believe the difference between canonicalise and meld still exists.

Many thanks if you can confirm that the difference between canonicalise and meld is also seen on your side. Or maybe I am wrong?

