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+1 vote


I noticed that sort_product doesn't work for powers:

> ex := C B A**2 D;
> sort_product(_);

Why is it so? In case of non-integer or negative degree even expand_power before sort_product will not change the result.

Thank you!

in General questions by (510 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

That's because internally A**2 is stored as \pow{A}{2} and is thus alphabetically 'larger' than D.

You can get around it (sort of, it's not ideal) by doing

{\pow{A}{n?}, B, C, D}::SortOrder;
ex:= C B A**2 D;

which gives

A**2 B C D

The pattern \pow{A}{n?} matches any power of A.

by (84.7k points)
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