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I am new to Cadabra and I'm trying to it to play with infinitesimal variation of some gravitatoinal terms.

I am defining a "derivative" \delta, that I would like to commute with partial derivatives. I am doing the following , based on the example about Einstein equations

{\mu,\nu, \rho,\alpha,\beta#}::Indices(spacetime);


In the long run I'm interested in infinitesimal Weyl variations, so I define the following list of variations:

 variations := {
    \delta{g^{\mu \nu}} -> +2 \sigma g^{\mu \nu},
    \delta{g_{\mu \nu}} -> -2 \sigma g_{\mu \nu}

As a warm up I tried to apply that to the Christoffel Symbol:

expr := \delta{
    1/2 g^{\rho\alpha} * (
        + \partial_{\nu}{g_{\mu\alpha}}
        - \partial_{\alpha}{g_{\mu\nu}}

substitute(_, $\delta{\partial_{\mu}{A}} -> \partial_{\mu}{\delta{A}}$ );

substitute(_, variations);

The first substitute gives me the same as distribute(), namely it does not commute the variation and the partial derivtive. I tried instead replacing A by g_{\nu\rho} explicitely, but that does not do anything either. Is there something I am missing?

in General questions by (170 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

The first substitute does nothing, as there is no explicit A in your expression. If you write, instead of A, a proper object wildcard A?? (on both sides of the arrow) then it will work, and then your second substitute will do its job too.

by (82.5k points)
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