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I am having some trouble using the diff command. If run Cadabra2 REPL with cadabra2 it works just fine:

> ex:= A*A + B + C;
A A + B + C
> diff(ex, $A$);

Same with the GTK GUI. I would expect it to do the same if I put my commands into a .cdb file and ran cadabra2 file.cdb. File contents are

ex:= A*A + B + C;
diff(ex, $A$);

so exactly the same thing, but diff just spits the original expression back at me instead:

$ cadabra2 file.cdb
A A + B + C
A A + B + C

It seems to just echo the last expression before the diff command; if I put some other expression in between the two,

ex:= A*A + B + C;
foo:= B;
diff(ex, $A$);

the output is

$ cadabra2 file.cdb
A A + B + C

Surely this is not intentional?

in Bug reports by (130 points)

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