I computed a variational derivative and arrived to the following expression:
∫(4d{t}(d{t x}(u)) d{x}(p) d{t x}(u) e{p}-4d{t}(p) d{x}(d{t x}(u)) d{t x}(u) e{p} + 4d{t}(p) d{t x}(u) d{t x x}(u) e{p}-4d{x}(p) d{t x}(u) d{t t x}(u) e{p}}
This expression equals zero. Is there any way to simplify it have zero explicitly?
If I copy the expression and put it to cadabra
ex:=4d_{t}(d_{t x}(u)) d_{x}(p) d_{t x}(u) e{p}
-4d_{t}(p) d_{x}(d_{t x}(u)) d_{t x}(u) e{p}
+ 4d_{t}(p) d_{t x}(u) d_{t x x}(u) e{p}
-4d_{x}(p) d_{t x}(u) d_{t t x}(u) e{p};
it automatically convert d{x}(d{t x}(u)) to d_{t x x}(u). But how to do this with a command?