Hi, I have a question about Cadabrav2 and v1. When I set position=fixed in indices properties , I was expecting an error to occur when writing things as follows:
exp:=A_{b} A_{b} + A_{b} A^{b};
But this gives as output the same line : $A_{b} A_{b} + A_{b} A^{b}$.
In Cadabra v1 the same story goes.
Moreover, i put in Cadabrav2
exp:=A_{b} A_{b} + A_{b} A^{b} + B_{a};
And the output was fine again, no error!. In Cadabra v1 the output tells you that the indices of different terms do not match.
So the questions are: how can you tell the effect of position=fixed either in Cadabra1 or 2 (or to let you know that Einstein convetion on contravariant and covariant indies is being violated) and second question is: where are the error outputs from Cadabrav2 ? (One more thing, in cadabrav1 when you apply an algorithm until no longer changes it will let you know, but cadabrav2 does not say anything about a repetitive algorithm action or at least i dont know how to see it).
I really appreaciate the effort in trying a second version for Cadabra. But for the time being, I will keep using Cadabra v1 since it has more algorithms and it runs much more faster than Cadabra v2 (at least this happens in my computer).
thank you very much,