When I apply the command combine() on
$ ( \Gamma ^ { a } ) { \beta } { } ^ { \gamma } ( \Gamma { c d } ) _ { \gamma }{ }^{ \alpha } $,
I get
$ ( \Gamma {c d} \Gamma ^ {a} ) ^ { \alpha } { } { \beta }$
while expecting
$ ( \Gamma ^ {a} \Gamma { c d } ) { \beta }{ } ^ { \alpha }$.
Am i doing something wrong?
(In case not rendering tex, i added image
In addition, Is there any way to tell such structures to Cadabra;
$ A {a} B ^ {a} = - A ^ {a} B {a} $.
Since our metric is antisymmetric, the shape of the contraction matters.
Thanks in advance :)