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For example,

ex:=a b a^{\mu} a b_{\mu} b+a b b^{\mu} b a_{\mu} a;

I want to move 'a' & 'b' to left side, but I don't know how to do it ('factor_out' is not simple enough to do it).

in General questions by (2.2k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Add a SortOrder property to determine how you want symbols to be sorted, and then use the sort_product algorithm:

ex:=a b a^{\mu} a b_{\mu} b+a b b^{\mu} b a_{\mu} a;

which produces $$aabb a^{\mu} b_{\mu} + aabb b^{\mu} a_{\mu} .$$ If you want to do it, instead, with factor_out(_, $a,b$), then you will need a call to distribute(_) afterwards to get rid of the brackets again.

by (84.7k points)
selected by

It works, thx
