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+3 votes


I would like to define two types (if I think properly even more) of epsilon tensors which would not interfere with each other when running "epsilon_to_delta". I thought that if I define each epsilon tensor with its own "delta" (like \delta and \bar{\delta} respectively) it will work, but that's actually not true. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks, Andrei

Here is the notebook I used

{\dot{#}, \bar{#}}::Symbol;
{\alpha, \beta, \gamma}::Indices(chiral, position=fixed);
{\dalpha, \dbeta}::Indices(antichiral, position=fixed);
{\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta}::Integer(1..2);
{\dalpha, \dbeta}::Integer(1..2);
\epsilon_{\alpha \beta}::EpsilonTensor(delta=\delta);
\epsilon^{\dalpha \dbeta}::EpsilonTensor(delta=\bdelta);

And now the epsilons

ex:=\epsilon_{\alpha \beta} \epsilon^{\dalpha \dbeta};

which yield a mixed index \delta.

in General questions by (320 points)
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