So I was working with the temporary code
map_sympy(_, "simplify");
It worked for expression like
ex:=k^{a}n_{c a}+2**{1/2} k_{c} 2**{1/2};
However when I had to simplify an expression having terms like
ex:= Y^{a}_{b c d}=F^{a}_{b c d}+2**{1/2}\psi 2**{1/2}k^{a} Q1_{b c d}+ l^{a} Q2_{b c d};
map_sympy(_, "simplify");
then it resulted in the following error.
TokenError: ('EOF in multi-line statement',(2, 0))
At :
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sympy/parsing/ : generate_tokens
One more thing I noticed is that substituting \psi
with some letter say p
did the work.