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Computer algebra system for field theory problems
This is the complete list of members for cadabra::CadabraJupyter, including all inherited members.
architecture() const | Server | |
authentication_token | Server | protected |
block_available | Server | protected |
block_available_mutex | Server | protected |
block_queue | Server | protected |
CadabraJupyter() | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | |
catchErr | Server | |
catchOut | Server | |
complete_request_impl(const std::string &code, int cursor_pos) override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
configure_impl() override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
ConnectionMap typedef | Server | protected |
connections | Server | protected |
current_block | Server | protected |
current_counter | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | |
current_id | Server | protected |
current_ws_id | Server | protected |
dispatch_message(websocket_server::id_type, const std::string &json_string) | Server | protected |
execute_request_impl(int execution_counter, const std::string &code, bool silent, bool store_history, xjson user_expressions, bool allow_stdin) override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
exit_on_disconnect | Server | protected |
finished | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | |
guard | Server | protected |
handles(const std::string &otype) const | Server | |
init() | Server | protected |
inspect_request_impl(const std::string &code, int cursor_pos, int detail_level) override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
is_complete_request_impl(const std::string &code) override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
job | Server | protected |
kernel_info_request_impl() override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
main_module | Server | protected |
main_namespace | Server | protected |
main_thread_id | Server | protected |
on_block_error(Block) override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | protectedvirtual |
on_block_finished(Block) | Server | protectedvirtual |
on_close(websocket_server::id_type id) | Server | protected |
on_kernel_fault(Block) | Server | protectedvirtual |
on_message(websocket_server::id_type id, const std::string &msg, const websocket_server::request_type &req, const std::string &ip_address) | Server | protected |
on_open(websocket_server::id_type id) | Server | protected |
run(int port=0, bool exit_on_disconnect=true) | Server | |
run_on_port | Server | protected |
run_string(const std::string &, bool handle_output=true, bool extract_variables=false, std::set< std::string > remove_variable_assignments=std::set< std::string >()) | Server | protected |
run_string_variables | Server | protected |
runner | Server | protected |
send(const std::string &output, const std::string &msg_type, uint64_t parent_id, bool last) override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | virtual |
Server::send(const std::string &output, const std::string &msg_type, uint64_t parent_id=0, uint64_t cell_id=0, bool last_in_sequence=false) | Server | virtual |
send_json(const std::string &) | Server | |
send_progress_update(const std::string &msg, int n, int total) | Server | |
Server() | Server | |
Server(const Server &)=delete | Server | |
Server(const std::string &socket) | Server | |
server_stopwatch | Server | |
shutdown_request_impl() override | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | private |
started | Server | protected |
stop_block() | Server | protected |
sympy_stopwatch | Server | |
wait_for_job() | Server | |
wait_for_websocket() | Server | |
ws_mutex | Server | protected |
wserver | Server | protected |
~CadabraJupyter()=default | cadabra::CadabraJupyter | virtual |
~Server() | Server | virtual |