Computer algebra system for field theory problems
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YoungTab.hh File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include "Combinatorics.hh"

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class  yngtab::tableau_base
class  yngtab::tableau
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator_base
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::const_iterator_base
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_column_iterator
 An iterator which stays inside a given column of a tableau. More...
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_column_const_iterator
 A const iterator which stays inside a given column of a tableau. More...
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_row_iterator
 An iterator which stays inside a given row of a tableau. More...
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_row_const_iterator
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator
 An iterator over all boxes of a tableau, left to right, top to bottom. More...
class  yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::const_iterator
class  yngtab::tableaux< T >


namespace  yngtab
 Generic Young tableaux routines.


typedef mpz_class yngint_t
typedef mpq_class yngrat_t
typedef filled_tableau< std::pair< int, int > > yngtab::keeptrack_tab_t


bool yngtab::legal_box (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &prev, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &ths, int colpos, int trypos)
template<class T , class OutputIterator >
void yngtab::LR_tensor (const tableaux< T > &tabs1, const T &tab2, unsigned int maxrows, OutputIterator out, bool alltabs=false)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void yngtab::add_box (T1 &tab1, unsigned int row1, const T2 &tab2, unsigned int row2, unsigned int col2)
template<class T1 >
void yngtab::add_box (T1 &tab1, unsigned int row1, const tableau &, unsigned int, unsigned int)
template<class Tab , class OutputIterator >
void yngtab::LR_add_box (const Tab &tab2, Tab &newtab, unsigned int currow2, unsigned int curcol2, unsigned int startrow, unsigned int maxrows, OutputIterator outit, keeptrack_tab_t &Ycurrent, bool alltabs)
template<class Tab , class OutputIterator >
void yngtab::LR_tensor (const Tab &tab1, const Tab &tab2, unsigned int maxrows, OutputIterator outit, bool alltabs=false)
template<class T , class OutputIterator >
void yngtab::LR_tensor (const tableaux< T > &, bool, unsigned int, OutputIterator)
std::ostream & yngtab::operator<< (std::ostream &str, const tableau &tab)
template<class T >
std::ostream & yngtab::operator<< (std::ostream &, const tableaux< T > &)
template<class T >
std::ostream & yngtab::operator<< (std::ostream &, const filled_tableau< T > &)

Typedef Documentation

◆ yngint_t

typedef mpz_class yngint_t

◆ yngrat_t

typedef mpq_class yngrat_t