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+1 vote


I think I just nailed down a bug I noticed one time or the other:



Exp:= \eta^\mu_\mu \eta^\alpha_\beta A^\beta;

let's the self-contracted metric \eta^\mu_\mu vanish instead of giving A^\alpha as it should. It's not just the wrong order but in this setup, the first \eta should give a factor of 4, which gets lost this way.

Best Regards, Karim

in Bug reports by (300 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Be careful with index positions. If you want upper and lower indices to mean something different, declare your indices with the position=fixed attribute. So



Exp:= \eta^\mu_\mu \eta^\alpha_\beta A^\beta;

This gives the expected answer.

by (82.5k points)

Thanks for the quick answer! So Cadabra does not see the difference between the Kronecker-Delta and the Metric here.

Sorry that I keep asking, but I still don't see, why this means that \eta^\mu_\mu should just vanish here. If I write

Exp:= \eta^{\mu\mu};

it does not vanish. And I don't see, why \eta^\mu_\mu should, even if it is interpreted as a metric instead of a Kronecker-Delta.
